The Food Pantry is open on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 2 – 4 p.m.
We’re here to help! If it’s your first visit, here’s how it works:
- You’ll complete a short intake form
- We’ll give you a reusable tote bag to bring with you whenever you shop
- Each time you visit, you select your own items:
- Pantry, shelf-stable goods
- Perishable products like dairy, eggs, and bread
- Personal care items
- Paper towels, toilet paper, and facial tissue
- On occasion, meat and other useful items
- You can visit the Food Pantry once every other week or twice a month.
- Want ideas on how to create a meal for items commonly found at our Food Pantry?

The need is greater than ever—we rely on the generosity of our congregation, local civic organizations, Scout troops, individuals, and grants. If you are able, please support your community through the following:
- Food: Download this list of items and take it with you when you shop! If you can donate perishable items, please call the church office or email first to discuss your donation.
- Money: Cash can be put in an envelope marked “Food Bank” and placed on the offering plate during worship or handed to the church office. Checks should be made out to First Presbyterian Church of Strasburg, with “Food Bank” written on the memo line.
- Volunteer: Call the church office, download this Description or email to find out how you can help—we need volunteers to shop, sort/stock food, fill bags, monitor expiration dates, and help clients.