Israel during Lent 2019 – Day -1
March 22, 20197:45 am
Bus was late! Hope we make it! Holy Land here we come. First stop Strasburg Pres. then JFK, then Moscow, Russia, then Tel Aviv! Then immediately to Joppa where Jonah tried to run from God and where Peter raised Tabitha from the dead AND where Peter had the amazing dream that people who aren’t Jews are accepted by God too! What a Gift!!! Wonderful!!
Abraham went out not knowing wither he went. We DO know wither we go and we can’t wait!
9:00. Made it to Strasburg Pres. ! Off to JFK. Bob Reich in charge of counting so far he hasn’t missed anyone. 44 of us so far. If anyone goes missing it’s Bob’s fault!
Pastor Bob of Strasburg Pres is our leader and everyone loves him! Way to lead, Pastor Bob!
1:00 pm. Arrival JFK!
Time for lunch. Pastor Bob is a great leader but he made us all bring our own lunches!
Tomorrow Joppa. Join us in real time by reading Acts 9, 10, 11 especially 10:34-35! In order to show your solidarity with us, this means you’ll need to do your reading at 3:00 am.
More to come!
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