August 27, 2022: Day 184 – Daniel 6-10 and Psalm 75
August 31, 2022There are a lot of horns mentioned here in Daniel and then again also in Psalm 75. We begin with the famous story of Daniel in the lion’ den. Daniel, much like Joseph, is given a lot of power in the land of Babylon even though he was an exile from Judah. So, keep in mind that Daniel is foreigner and yet the king gives him this extraordinary power. The king is about to give him not only regional power, but is about to transition him to national power. The other regional leaders were not crazy about this at all so they conspire against him.
It does work and the king is forced to throw Daniel into the lion’s den. It didn’t hurt Daniel, but it sure did hurt those who set him up, as well as their children and wives. Pretty brutal imagining what the lions did to them. From that folksy tale we move to images and apocryphal writings that describe glorified men, beasts with metal teeth, and horns that have eyes and think for themselves. All very surreal, but each of these images depicts a person and a country over which it will rule. The horns always describe enemy or neighboring countries and their attempt to make an impact on history.