September 26, 2022: Day 208 – Psalm 119
September 26, 2022And just like that we come to the end. We began on January 3 with Psalm 119 and so it is fitting that we finish with the same Psalm. It is the longest in the Bible and it is an acrostic poem, which means that each line in the psalm, and there are 22 of them, begins with the next letter of the alphabet, and there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet.
It is an absolutely comprehensive look at how we ought to live our lives in relationship to God. It also gives us all the assurances that we could ever want about the presence of God in our lives. We also find in vs.105 the foundation of why we are reading the Scripture together as we read: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Praise be to God for God’s word.
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