Day 71 – December 2, 2023: I Samuel 26-31 and Psalm 57

The story of David’s life continues, and David continues to flee from Saul. He is basically on the run for most of Samuel until Saul dies, which is coming up after our readings today. For a second time David spares Saul’s life and for a second time a peace accord was written. But it doesn’t last long at all as Saul continues to send his soldiers, and he also goes himself, after David. By this time David is tired of staying with Israel and so having to watch his back day and night. So he decides to leave Israel and go to a foreign territory where he knows that Saul would no longer pursue him. He does so and teams up with the king of Gath and they make raids together. This can’t last. David is going to be king one day, but until then, he has to continue to be a warrior, and he does.

At this time Saul finds himself surrounded by Philistines and he fears for his life. He is not able to hear the voice of God because God has left him. So he turns to magic and a medium conjures up the dead Samuel. We aren’t here to say whether this is possibile of not, but I do say that we should never mess with these kinds of things because the realm of that which is outside of our understanding can really mess us up. Don’t ever turn to these types of things because you can’t hear God’s voice. God will come to us, but not through means that are outside of His will. Saul is told that he and his sons will die in the battle that is coming up.

Curiously, David is making his way with his new friends, the Philistines, to battle against Saul, but they force him to go back to his refuge town because they don’t trust him. As he gets back home his women and children have been captured and the town has been burned to the ground. Well, he seeks and receives vengeance and brings all of his people back plus all the massive spoils from the nation that had raided his home town. It is at this point that David’s fame spreads well beyond just the little town of Ziklag.

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