April 17, 2018: Day 3 – Exodus 3
April 17, 2018We find ourselves at the defining moment of Exodus. The story of the burning bush is one that is recited often. Sunday School classes consider it a favorite, I always tell the story of the burning bush at preschool. We love to hear how God reveals himself to Moses in a way that is miraculous. But do we ever wonder if it happens to us as well? How does God reveal Himself to us? It really isn’t normally in ways that we can identify easily, like a burning bush. As a result we sometimes say: if God revealed himself to me that way then of course I would have more faith and I would do what he has to say.
But what part of our life are we currently misinterpreting as if we are autonomous and living by ourselves? How do we not see that God is revealing himself to us daily?
We find God’s name revealed to Moses. He is called “I am”. In case Pharaoh wants to know which God it is that sent you, tell him “I am” sent you. It is an indication that there is no other God other than the one that we worship. This is crucial, we need to understand that the God that we serve is not a God of pluralism, but rather a God who is one, and only one. The God who calls himself “I am” is the one who rules and reigns and there is no other.
From Exodus 3 we are reminded of the promise of the land of milk and honey. But that promise is going to be realized by God using Moses to free the people of Israel from slavery. Moses objects, but God insists in these verses. Do you notice that God says that not only are you going to liberate the people of Israel, but when you leave you will actually plunder the land. That part of Scripture is one that I don’t understand, but I just keep reading.