January 6, 2022: Day 4 – Genesis 8-11 and John 6-7

We find ourselves at the end of the story of Noah and God creating a new covenant with Noah which has as its sign the rainbow.  This is where we find the sign of the rainbow representing the covenant that God will never destroy his people again.  He commands the sons of Noah to be fruitful and multiply just like he had commanded Adam and Eve.  You need to pay attention to Noah’s son Shem from whom Abraham is to come.  It is through Abraham that we find the nation and the people of Israel evolve.

But before we get there we find this interesting story of the Tower of Babel where God confuses the languages of the people so that they would not understand each other which would prevent them from doing the impossible, which was possible.  Once we see that story we find ourselves beginning to see Abram and his story which we will follow as it takes us to the beginning of the people that God chose to be his people.

In John we have what we would call very high sacramental language.  Look at chapter 6 and you will find Jesus describing the bread and the wine as the body and blood of Jesus as the redeemer of the sins of all humanity.  It is very clear language and it is matched with a sacramental feast of the child bringing the bread and the fish which were used to feed the five thousand.  Notice what Jesus does before he feeds the five thousand.  Look at vs.11 where he 1) takes the loaves, 2) gives thanks, 3) distributes.  This is the same process that is used in Matthew at the last supper as Jesus feeds his disciples that sacramental meal. 

We also find many of Jesus’ disciples abandoning him because of this sacramental language.  But the twelve remain faithful.  The chapters end with the unbelief of the religious leaders including a defense by Nicodemus which puts him on the edge of the leadership and almost accused of treason.

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