July 15, 2022: Day 150 – Job 28-33
July 18, 2022We find ourselves in a bit of a transition in these verses. Job continues his defence and states that the way of God is bigger than we could ever predict or understand. The ways of the bird of prey no one knows, the place of gold and silver to be mined is a mystery, wisdom is a fickle creature whom no one can nail down. But God knows all of these things and God has established them.
Job then lays out his righteousness and described how the tables have turned on him. He describes specific sins like adultery, turning a blind eye to the causes of the poor or the orphan. He states pretty clearly that this was not his way, he did not sin in this way. Then we get this phrase: the words of Job ended. That isn’t exactly the truth, but we do now get the words of Elihu.
Elihu again speaks strongly against Job and states that he has not been righteous. That is the only explanation for his current condition is his unrighteousness. He states that God delivers those who are righteous and pursue wisdom so surely he is unrighteous. We have heard this line of reasoning before.