September 1, 2022: Day 188 – Zechariah 1-5 and Psalm 81
September 2, 2022So what just happened there? You have horses, and olive trees, and flying scrolls, like huge flying scrolls, a woman in a basket who is called wickedness. Okay, things have gone a little strange, so what is exactly happening? Well, in Zechariah you have God promising restoration to Israel, which is so much better than a promise of exile with future restoration.
All of the metaphors that are used in Scripture are not so easily understood by us these some 2500 years later. I love the verses that states: “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty”. It reminds me of this song.
In the Psalm we find these comforting words: “with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.” It reminds me of a group of musicians that were fairly popular, Sweet Honey in the Rock.