Day 21 – September 28, 2023: Exodus 33-38
September 28, 2023We repeat once again the measurements of the tabernacle, the traveling temple, and all the work that went into constructing it. Did you notice that the call went out for workers and others to help with the building of the tabernacle and filling it with those items that the Lord commanded be included? What happened once the call went out? So many people came and offered what was needed that another call had to go out that they had what they needed. Can you imagine a call that goes out in the church that we need help in the nursery, and help for people to teach Sunday School, and help with advisors for the youth and we get such an overflowing response that we have to tell people we don’t need them because we have enough? Now that would be awesome!
I do want to touch upon the face of Moses when he sees the Lord. A couple things about that. First of all, he is in the presence of God and while he is in God’s presence his face glows as a result. God gives him another set of tablets in order that the ten commandments would once again be written so that they could be with the people. That happens and this time Moses doesn’t break them. But when he comes down off the mountain, and every time that he talks with the Lord, his face shines. In the Hebrew it can also be interpreted as “he had horns”. You will see in many depictions of Moses especially in the Baroque and the Renaissance periods you have Moses with the 10 commandments and he has horns. It is very offputting, but when you go to Rome and see St. Peter’s or other statues done by Michalangelo, or Bernini, you will see Moses at times with horns. This is why, because his face was shining when he saw God, or he had horns. Fun fact for the day.