Day 47: November 1, 2023: Deuteronomy 26-28 and Mark 12-14

When you read Deuteronomy it should fill you with a certain dread that we had better not disobey the commandments of the Lord. There is no longer list of curses for the Israelites if they disobey God. We are used to reading about the blessings that will flow as a result of the people of God being the people of God. We read about the land flowing with milk and honey that will be theirs to inherit and we sit back satisfied that God has blessed His people. But this listing of curses finds its climax in the verse in Deuteronomy 28:63 which states: And just as the Lord took delight in making you prosperous and numerous, so the Lord will take delight in bringin you to ruin and destruction. This will all take place because the people did not diligently obey all of the commandments that were given in the Torah. It is pretty rough reading and it does strike you as a bit vengeful. But we do read that God is a jealous God, and the jealousy comes out pretty strongly here.

In Mark we read about the last week of Jesus’ life where he is betrayed by Judas. But lest we think that it is Judas alone who betrays Jesus, we see that all of the disciples scatter in fear once Jesus is arrested.

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