Our Mission: Knowing Christ, Growing in Christ, Going with Christ
- Knowing Christ means we experience the power of the risen Christ in a relationship that saves and transforms us. (See John 10:14, 14:7; 1 Corinthians 2:2; 2 Corinthians 2:14, Ephesians 1:17, 3:18-19; Philippians 3:8-11.; Hebrews 8:10-11.)
- Growing in Christ means we worship, pray, study and fellowship with other believers, preparing for works of service that glorify God and build up the body of Christ. (See Genesis 1:26-27; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 4:11-13, 22-24; Philippians 1:6; Colossians 1:28, 3:10.)
- Going with Christ means we go where Christ is going, to do what Christ is doing, trusting Him with our future without having to know every detail in advance. (See Genesis 12:1; Matthew 4:18-19, 9:9, 10:37-38, 16:24, 19:21.)
Our Vision Statement:
PRAYER: Spending time in God’s presence, collectively and separately, is a conscious priority for us. We desire to encounter the Living Christ, never to be separated from Him. We will wrap all that we do in prayer, so we may be attentive and obedient to God’s calling to us as individuals and as a congregation. We will listen to God and seek to do His will.
Because of this understanding, our ministry priorities will be to:
- Provide frequent group and personal prayer opportunities; offer learning opportunities (classes, workshops, retreats) in the discipline of prayer;
- Make prayer a major priority and emphasis on preparation, planning, and implementation of all ministry activities (boards, groups, meetings, worship, classes, services, recreations, small groups, etc.).
CARING: We are to be a caring congregation, whether through giving or receiving. Through Christ’s caring presence, broken people are healed and restored.
Because of this understanding, our ministry priority will be to:
- Provide individual and small-group opportunities for persons within the congregation and community to experience the healing and restoring ministry of the risen Christ.
WORSHIP: We are a congregation living in the Spirit of the risen Christ. We are a household of faith gathered in a house of prayer. Our worship is not one style, but many–always characterized by integrity, depth, and authenticity; always seeking to engage the hearts of those present; always with the purpose of praising the Lord God with all our being.
Because of this understanding, our ministry priority will be to:
- Plan worship to engage participants in communion with the Living God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) using varied worship resources for liturgy and music.
EDUCATION: Our task in education is not just the transmission of information, but the learner’s spiritual formation in Christ. As teacher or student, we are all students at the feet of Jesus. We desire to deepen our knowledge and understanding of God through His Word in Scripture.
Because of this understanding, our ministry priorities will be to:
- Provide ministries for children and teens that will build communities of relationships to nurture their life in Christ;
- Nurture intergenerational relationships within the congregation with a focus on those relationships providing context for mentoring in discipleship.
MISSION & SERVICE: As disciples of Jesus Christ, we will be an ongoing, active presence in our community, serving and caring for others, as God calls us, feeding them as we have been fed by God.
Because of this understanding, our ministry priorities will be to:
- Provide multiple opportunities (local, national, international) for involvement in service and mission projects beyond our church walls;
- Establish an ongoing partnership with a nearby congregation in a cultural setting different from our own.
EVANGELISM: We are all evangelists: God’s called and calling people. In this calling, we will include others, excluding no one from the invitation, creating entry points for every person to come to [know] Christ.
Because of this understanding, our ministry priority will be to:
- Provide opportunities to meet and invite our neighbors to First Presbyterian through community-focused events or activities (e.g., concerts, programs, picnics, sports, etc.).
LEADERSHIP: Human leadership in the church is always subordinate leadership, rooted and grounded in the ultimate leadership of Christ as Lord. A primary responsibility of all leaders is to intentionally nurture their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Because of this understanding, our ministry priority will be to:
- Be guided by one central question as we lead the church in its life before God: “What is Christ calling this congregation of His people to be and to do at this time?”