April 25, 2017: Day 115 – Psalm 115
April 25, 2017Let’s jump ahead to verse 16 and of what Scripture does this remind you? Go to Genesis 1:26ff (ff means through the end of the chapter). You find the terminology “dominion” in reference to humans and all of creation. You see where the psalmist states: “the heavens are the Lord’s but the earth he has given to humans.” This is a key concept.
So, one thing that people have never accuse me of is being a tree hugger, or a strong environmentalist. It simply has never been on my radar. Now, of course I am not destructive for the sake of disrespecting that which God has entrusted to us, but I do fully believe that God has given us the earth to use and over which we are to have dominion.
But I believe in global warming, I believe that what we do on this earth will impact the earth. I believe that God is saddened by how we hurt the earth just for our greed. God wants us to have dominion so we can survive, not so that we can take advantage of the earth in such a harmful way that it destroys the earth.
I don’t feel like I am walking a fine line, but I do believe that the earth is not an entity unto itself, but rather a means for our survival.