Author: Mark Feiler
Easter Egg Hunt
March 26, 2025April 19, 2025 at 10am
Join us for an Easter Egg hunt and a chance to meet the Easter Bunny! Saturday April 19 at 10am. Open to children ages 2years through 5th grade.
Photo Directory Appointments
February 26, 2025April 8 & 9 and now the 10th
We will be creating a new Church Photo Directory this Spring. Schedule your photo sitting using the link below.
Schedule your appointment HERE. Select First Presbyterian Church of Strasburg from the drop down then pick your date and time.
Weekly Lenten Services
February 24, 2025Wednesdays, March 12, 19, 26 and April 2 & 9.
These weekly services will be held at noon each Wednesday followed by a light lunch.
December 29, 2024March 8-15, 2025
Sponsored by Messiah University. Immerse yourself in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s-60s as you tour key sites and listen to speakers with first hand knowledge of the movement. There will be a virtual information session on 11/21 at 7pm. Contact Pastor Bob for more details.
TODDLER GYM is back!
October 8, 2024Fridays @ 9am
Join us weekly on Fridays from 9 – 10am (Sept. – May) for playtime for ages 1 – kindergarten with their caregivers. This program is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Amy Black at 717-224-3036 or
October 8, 2024Tuesdays @ 9am and 7pm
Join us for Tuesday Bible Study! Classes are held at 9am and 7pm. All are welcome! We are using a study called “Now That Faith Has Come” by Beth Moore & Melissa Moore – A study of Galatians. For any questions please contact Stacy Bronkema, Linda Bredin, or Sandy Wenger.
October 8, 2024Thursdays @ 7pm and of course Sundays
Rehearsals are held each Thursday evening at 7pm in the choir room. WE STILL NEED BASS SINGERS! High school and college students are invited to join! Please contact Jonathan Jones with questions or interest at 484.949.4514 or
October 8, 2024Sundays at 9:30am
Join us each Sunday at 9:30am in Fellowship Hall for coffee and fellowship with old and new friends!
Wednesday Morning Walk/Run group
February 4, 2024Wednesday Mornings at 5:30am (weather permitting)
We meet at the Church parking lot at 5:25am and take off at 5:30am sharp. We will embark on 3, one mile loops through town, each loop ending at the church before starting the next. All are welcome! You can walk, run, or both. You can do 1, 2, or all 3 miles and then some!
Kid’s Clubhouse
August 24, 2023Beginning Wednesday September 6, 6:00
Fun for ages 3 years – 5th grade
Crafts – Bible Stories – Snack – Recreation Games
First Wednesday of the Month, September through May, starting in September 6
6:00 – 7:30pm – Come and join the fun right here at FPCS!