Author: admin
Israel during Lent – Day 4
March 26, 2019Day 4
The “Mount of Beatitudes” where Jesus gave his “Sermon on the Mount”.
There we listened to a testimony of one of our group explaining his healing from an inoperable brain tumor! Recalling Matthew 6:33 where Jesus implores us not to worry, we sang “seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you”. This is a teaching that every one of us would do well to remind ourselves of on a daily basis.
Boat ride on the Sea of Galilee! The 15 minutes of peaceful silence there was huge for each of us. From our boat we could reflect on the power of Jesus: he walked on water, calmed a storm, made fish fill nets, fed 5,000, taught parables from a boat, crossed to the “other side” to outsiders to heal a demoniac, made Capernaum his base for ministry, healed Peter’s mother-in-law, taught in the synagogue and more! We stood in some of those places
We stood right above the synagogue where Jesus taught. We stood in the Golan region of the Decapolis where Jesus chose to go because he cared not just about “his own”.
Had lunch where most of us were served a whole fish that looked at you while you ate it. Yuck! Concluded the day with another wonderful devotional at waters edge on the Sea of Galilee
Several of us were well prepared having watched a lightning storm light up the sea the night before.
It occurs to some of us that the home of the Prince of Peace is not a place of peace. Israel is surrounded by those who hate her: Syria, the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Hezbollah, Egypt, on and on the list goes. Yet she survives, no, flourishes. She is far from being God’s perfect servant but God made a Covenant with her and God does not break promises. It seems to some of us that there is nothing on planet earth that has happened that has not happened here in one form or another. The history and destiny of the world is right here in microcosm. One day it will be set right. Instead of missiles and jets flying over, lions and lambs, Syrians and Jews, Muslims and Christians, Druze and Kabalists, Hindus, Buddhists, and whatevers will be breathing deep the breath of God in God’s inclusive Kingdom having been ushered in by Jesus Himself. Jesus is the hope of the world.
Please google the song “Breathe Deep the Breath of God” by The Lost Dogs. It captures the heart of God
Tomorrow Jerusalem!!!
Israel during Lent – day 3
March 25, 2019Day 3
After overnighting in Netanya overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, we took off for Caesarea in the Sea, the location of one of Herod’s magnificent palaces, his Roman theater and his Roman Hippodrome, his racetrack for chariots and later place of throwing Christians to the slaughter. It was in Caesarea when Paul was imprisoned for two years before losing his life in Rome. It was here where instead of pleading for his life he sought to convert his Roman captors, Felix and Festus. Read Acts 22-26
On to Mt Carmel, where Elijah defeated the prophets of Baal. From here we can see the valley of Jezreel, MT Tabor where Jesus was transfigured, Cana, Nazareth…..the Bible is coming alive!!
Off to Megiddo, the once magnificent most popular city of the region. Whoever controlled Megiddo and therefore the trade routes, controlled the territory. Can you just imagine Solomon capturing the sight, rebuilding it and then entering its towering gates in his chariot with full military escort! So many battles there! Add Har (hill) to Megiddo and you get the Armageddon of Revelation 16. In the end those who would rather die than live will get their wish.
From there on to the Jordan River where 15 or more of us renewed our baptisms by immersion. Pastor Bob and Pastor Jeff had the blessing of doing the renewals and then Pastors Bob Jeff and John baptized each other!!!! So very, very, very moving. The call to live for God and serve Christ renewed!!!!!
Now to bed in Tiberius on the Sea of Galilee.
Each of us has a room with a balcony overlooking the Sea!!! Are you kidding me???
We are right now in the little corner of the earth where God ACTUALLY PERSONALLY SHOWED UP!
It’s overwhelming. It’s the most amazing thing that ever has happened on planet earth. And its meaning could not be more profound and personal for you. Why did God show up? BECAUSE YOU MATTER TO HIM. If you can internalize that so that becomes your motivating force in life then your life will find itself increasingly blessed and increasingly fruitful regardless of circumstances.
Israel during Lent – Day 2
March 25, 2019This is from Ursula Rice who lives in Moscow, Russia and is a member of the Moscow Protestant Chaplaincy. She will be posting periodically as well as Jeff Lampl.
We all made it in one piece with all of our luggage! Praise God!

Israel during Lent – Day 2
March 25, 2019DAY TWO!
Arrival Moscow 8:00 am-ish Moscow time. Immediately boarded a another big but smaller Aeroflot plane for Tel Aviv. Add it all up plus getting to JFK and that means a lot of tired but really excited pilgrims who clapped when our plane landed in Tel Aviv around 11:30 local time. Everything’s In Hebrew! Go figure!
First stop, Jaffa, the Biblical Joppa where Jonah boarded a boat to Spain to escape God. Many of us were reminded of how we do the same only to be yanked back in by God’s kind but painful mercies.
Others of us, recalling Jonah’s hatred of his enemies were challenged how we want our enemies to “get theirs”
Others of us recalled Peter raising Dorcas from the dead and how it blew Peter’s mind that a non Jewish, uncircumcised, Roman Soldier working for Israel’s oppressors and who may have had no clue about Jesus was nevertheless declared acceptable to God and was baptized by the Holy Spirit even before “praying the sinners prayer”!
It was so so interesting to observe Jews, Christians, Muslims and so many others from diverse backgrounds happily mingling in a country that is the flashpoint of seemingly irreconcilable differences.
It is also Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath, where outside of Jaffa (ancient Joppa) almost no one was working. Much of Israel shuts down sundown Friday to sundown Sat. Their work week begins Sunday!
How well do YOU honor the Sabbath! Some think the 4th commandment is really the most important!
Our tour guide is great. He made a really, really funny and really, really not funny joke when he referred to Purim (celebrating the foiled attempted genocide of the Jews recorded in Esther). He said something like “we Jews have all these holidays and so many are about the world trying to kill us. So we just say ‘they keep trying to kill us so let’s eat. (OK it doesn’t sound funny here but it was – sometimes is incredibly profound)
One of us was in tears today as she recalled her dad having given her a Bible from Israel and here she was decades later in Israel with the Bible he gave her.
Neither she nor the other 45 of us will need to say with the Jews this Passover “Next year Jerusalem!” We’re here!
Thanks Pastors Bob and Stacy for making this happen!
Hope you can tolerate the typos!
Israel during Lent 2019 – Day -1
March 22, 2019Bus was late! Hope we make it! Holy Land here we come. First stop Strasburg Pres. then JFK, then Moscow, Russia, then Tel Aviv! Then immediately to Joppa where Jonah tried to run from God and where Peter raised Tabitha from the dead AND where Peter had the amazing dream that people who aren’t Jews are accepted by God too! What a Gift!!! Wonderful!!
Abraham went out not knowing wither he went. We DO know wither we go and we can’t wait!
9:00. Made it to Strasburg Pres. ! Off to JFK. Bob Reich in charge of counting so far he hasn’t missed anyone. 44 of us so far. If anyone goes missing it’s Bob’s fault!
Pastor Bob of Strasburg Pres is our leader and everyone loves him! Way to lead, Pastor Bob!
Israel blog for 2019
March 22, 2019In the following pages you will find a blog that was put together for the Israel trip that First Presbyterian Church took from March 22-30. It will be a blog that we will try to post on the days that we will be there. Jeff Lampl, a retired Presbyterian pastor, will be the primary contributor. Enjoy!
March 1, 2019: Day 90 – Micah 7
March 1, 2019The prophet ends his book with a counting off of the things that are going wrong and ways in which calamity has befallen the nation. The underlying reality is that family members have turned against family members. It is a real picture of a civil war portrayed which shows son against father and daughter against mother. It is tragic, it is sad, it is a reality that is reflected in many countries today. But look at vs.7, while all of this chaos is happening around him, while his very family is being torn apart…”I will look to the Lord, I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.”
The enemy delights in the downfall of the righteous, the enemy delights in seeing bad things happen to good people. In fact, the enemy asks the question: “Where is the Lord your God?” But this quickly transitions to a recognition that when the Lord comes to shepherd his people with his staff, then all of a sudden the narrative will change as it does in this chapter at the end.
Look starting at vs.18 where we find God portrayed as a forgiving and pardoning God. One who is full of grace and doesn’t retain his anger forever. The author continues and says: He will again have compassion on us. The author relies upon the promises of the Lord from the past to know that God is faithful all the time, all the time God is faithful.
February 28, 2019: Day 89 – Micah 6
February 28, 2019This has to be in my top three of favorite Scriptures in the entire Bible. Look at vs.8, that is my favorite Scripture in this chapter. Let me just write it again and then you can soak it in and see how it applies to you, how it applies to what you expect of people, and how it applies to what people expect and think of you.
Do you notice with what punctuation this verses ends? I know, the Hebrew doesn’t have the punctuation so it is something that we have added, but why do we have a question mark and not an exclamation point? The idea is that the author is saying: hasn’t God already told us what we are supposed to do? It is very similar to Jesus’ statement to his disciples that has been twisted and taken out of context: “You will have the poor with you always.” This last statement assumes that you know that we will have the poor with us always so the assumption is that you will always make them a priority not just when it is to your benefit because people are watching you or you can put it on your resume to pad it and make you look good. You should always be reaching out to the poor.
In the same way we should always know what God requires of us, always. We are called to do justice. We are called to love kindness. We are called to walk humbly with God. Not just walk humbly and think that is good enough. We are to walk humbly with God. That is good enough.
February 27, 2019: Day 88 – Micah 5
February 28, 2019So, you should know this chapter and specifically verse 2. Go back to Matthew 2 the first verses when the wise men went to Herod and asked him about the newborn king and where that king just might be. The king’s own wise men went back and debated and they came up with this Scripture which states that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, yes, Bethlehem, which was considered a small inconsequential city. As a result this is where the wise men went and found Jesus. All because these verses foretold of the birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem.
It is very important to note that the new Messiah would not arise from Jerusalem, which would have been the most logical place. But actually, maybe not the most logical place because we know that David was also born in Bethlehem. You can look at I Samuel 17:12 where David is introduced that he is spoken of as one who was the son of an Ephrathite from Bethlehem. So Jesus, our Savior and the Messiah, was born in the same town where David, really the first king whose heart was after the Lord, was born. A great way to link the Old and the New Testaments in a way that reminds us that we are not just people of the New Testament, but of the entire Scripture.
February 26, 2019: Day 87 – Micah 4
February 28, 2019We find the perfect image of what God’s future is going to look like and it is highlighted by peace. If you look at vs.3 this is the center of what God’s kingdom will look like for eternity. God will arbitrate between the nations and the goal of this arbitration is that swords will be beaten into plowshares. You will take instruments of war and shape and fashion them into farming tools which will allow the crops to grow and people to be fed. What a complete reversal of where we had been before. This is almost a direct quote to what we hear in Isaiah 2:4, go ahead and read that again. In fact, if you keep going to Isaiah 2:5 you will see that Micah does the same thing, goes from speaking about the installation of peace to the people walking in the light of the Lord, or at least in the name of the Lord. These verses are completely parallel to the verses in Isaiah, it is as if the scribe picked them up and dropped them down right here.
The prophet goes on and speaks about those with disabilities and says that he will gather the lame and make them the remnant, make them favored in the sight of the Lord. That would be hard at First Presbyterian because if you are in a wheelchair you can’t really use any of our bathrooms comfortable. You couldn’t preach from the pulpit or play the piano or drums. Your access would be limited to what is happening on the floor period. Your seats would be relegated either to directly in front (where no one wants to sits) or all the way in the back (where everyone wants to sit). We don’t do a great job of fulfilling this prophecy where we can actually welcome the lame, or that we actually take seriously our command to do that.