Author: admin
April 4, 2017: Day 94 – Psalm 94
April 5, 2017Boy, I am behind. Not sure how I got a day behind for two consecutive days. Stay with me people! This is one of those psalms with which I was not very familiar, but upon reading it there are some favorite sections that I really enjoy. Look at vs.8-11, the imagery that the author uses is creative and compelling. There are a set of rhetorical questions that are asked which when answered provide an obvious perspective of the majesty and providence of our Lord. Does not the person who planted the ear hear? That’s an interesting verb to use. To plant an ear and watch it grow. In English it could have a double meaning which I had to make sure not to ascribe to the Hebrew. When I first read it I wondered if he was talking about an ear of corn. That would make sense in our language. It is not called an ear of corn in Hebrew, however, so the analogy falls flat.
He goes on and asks the question, does not the one who formed the eye see? That is much more traditional. Does not the one who disciplines also chastise? They all go together and they all lead us to the same answer: Come on Man! Of course! God is well within His right to hear all that takes place, to see all that happens, and to chastise as He sees fit. We don’t often want to give God that control and power, but it is His whether we choose to give it to him or not. It is not ours to dole out, it has always been his prerogative.
April 3, 2017: Day 93 – Psalm 93
April 4, 2017This is another royal psalm which makes reference to the king, and all in a positive light. Isn’t that something refreshing. Can you imagine if everyone who lived in the US spoke highly of Obama or Trump. Yeah, neither can I. Now, I’m not saying that we should, but I am saying that this psalm speaks highly of the ruler and it is refreshing to hear that in this day and age.
But unless you be caught off guard, do you see who the king is? The king is not identified as David, or Solomon or even Saul. The king is identified as the Lord. It is the Lord who made the heavens and the earth. Here is a great video that speaks about how the Lord is…well, the Lord. Creator of all things. Sit through this video, and I think you will like it, I like it.
It is interesting to note that we find a lot of references to the waters and the deep in the Bible. The Israelites were not crazy about water. They were not a seafaring civilization. In fact, throughout Scripture we find water and the deep seas referenced and it is almost always in a negative light. In fact, it is from the deep seas where we find the source of evil according to the Israelites.
We find that with Noah and his time in the ark. We find that with Jonah and the whale. There are all sorts of different references and none of them are positive. You don’t hear about too many times in the bible, except for Jonah, where the sea is involved. Yes, I know, Jesus walking on water. But that is really a lake more than anything. If you have ever been to the Sea of Galilee you know what it looks like. But Israel also has the ocean running up and down its west coast.
April 2, 2017: Day 92 – Psalm 92
April 2, 2017This Psalm sounds a lot like it was written by David. There is a lot of music which is mentioned and we know that David was a lover of music. We also hear about the horn which was mentioned earlier. This horn was used to anoint the future king as we saw with Samuel when he anointed David. The last four verses also sound very much like David as he mentions the trees which are planted near the house of the Lord.
David’s style is pretty discernible. Remember his background. He grew up as a shepherd out in the field protecting his sheep from lions and tigers and bears…oh my! As he was watching his sheep he was also busy playing his harp and making up songs which would one day hit platinum. He can say from experience and from his life that it is good to give thanks to the Lord. We give thanks to the Lord today.
April 1, 2017: Day 91 – Psalm 91
April 1, 2017Do you remember who used this Psalm in an argument against Jesus? Just a hint, it is a really, really bad guy. Go ahead and read Matthew 4:6, actually read the whole beginning of Matthew 4 and I think you will have your answer. It is amazing how over time people have used Scripture to try to prove points that simply are not ethical in the best cases, catalysts to horrific tragedies in the worst cases. I can run through the atrocities just to put things in a historical perspective.
We can begin with Constantine who was the first to rule the land under the Christian banner and who persecuted those who would not convert to Christianity. That continued all the way through the Middle Ages with the conquering of lands in the name of Jesus and even through the inquisition against those who were not Christian as they ought to have been. But lest we think that the Roman Church has a monopoly on persecution and violence in the name of God, we think of the Nazi regime which was supported by Protestant thinking. We think of apartheid South Africa which was propped up by the Reformed Church. In our own country we see slavery was very much supported and encouraged within the institution of the churches. We think of the Oklahoma City bombing which was carried out by one who professed to serve God and did this act in the name of God. The list could go on. I think we are often inundated with images of radicalized Muslims and think they are the only ones who commit atrocities in the name of their god, but if we look at history it tends to be a common them for those who serve their god in a radical way.
These historical examples serve as a warning to us that we should never see Scripture as a weapon to prove our point, but rather as an opportunity to exhibit the love of God to those around us. I pray that this will always be our motive whenever we read Scripture and whenever we try to use it in discussions.
March 31, 2017: Day 90 – Psalm 90
March 31, 2017So this psalm begins a new section called Book 4 which encompasses psalms 90-106. The entire book of Psalms has 5 sections and we are heading into the next to last section. Hard to believe that we are so far into our Psalm Challenge. If it were a 90 Day Challenge we would be done today!
I have often referred to verse 4 when I speak about the story of creation. I am what one would call a creationist. I believe the story of creation as found in Genesis. I just don’t think it took 7 literally 24 hour days in order to create the world. I believe that dinosaurs existed millions of years ago. The point of creation is simply that God created. I use vs.4 as an example that the timing of God is not the same as our own. When the Scripture says that God created in 7 days there is nothing that limits our understanding to think that it was 7 literal days. But the point of this psalm is not creation.
We find the introduction of this psalm calling it a prayer of Moses. You remember him. He was the one who led the people of Israel across the Red Sea onto dry land. He was the one who received the 10 Commandments directly from God. He was the one who experienced first hand the wrath of God as it is described in vs.7.
I can picture Moses putting this prayer together. The actual petition itself begins in vs.13 and goes till the end. Before the petition we find the prayer of Moses being that of one extolling the attributes and the presence of the Lord as witnessed throughout history. That is a great way to pray. Begin with a celebration and then follow it up with a petition if you happen to have one.
The petition that Moses brings before the Lord is asking God to turn His anger away from the Israelites. This could very well be a prayer that he prayed once God said that they would not enter the promised land, but rather the generations that followed would enter. Who knows when it was, but I can definitely picture Moses putting this prayer together.
In unrelated news, today if Friday and it has been raining like crazy. Today also is one of my favorite days because I get to meet with the preschool kids. Here is a song that we sang today.
March 30, 2017: Day 89 – Psalm 89
March 30, 2017This is one of the earlier praise songs that I can remember. I really, really like this song. And who knew that the words to it came from Psalm 89? So did you notice how this psalm is broken down? From the beginning of this psalm all the way to vs.18 you have the author speak to the mighty power of God. He goes on for 18 verses about how amazing and good God is. He speaks specifically about how powerful God is.
Then starting in vs. 19 you have the voice of God ring loud and clear and He is absolutely an ally who is by the side of the people of God in all situations. God is speaking specifically to David, or at least the one enthroned by God. Thanks to Dot for the insight into who Ethan the Ezrahite was. He was a grandson of Samuel, the high priest. He would have been a close friend of David as well. But once these verses end in vs.38 we see a very clear strong transition.
We find the author bemoaning the fact that Israel has turned its back on God and so as a result God will strike them down. It is another lament that has come out of the psalm of joy. But it ends with the thanksgiving of vs.52 where we are told that in all times and in all things: Blessed be the Lord God forever and ever. Now that’s the truth (which is a literal translation for Amen and Amen).
March 29, 2017: Day 88 – Psalm 88
March 29, 2017Well, if yesterday I wanted a lament, today I surely do not. I’m feeling great! But boy do we get a lament in Psalm 88. It is one of the most gut wrenching psalms that we have in the entire psalter. The despair in the voice of the author is palpable. What strikes me the most about this psalm is his many references to death in a whole variety of nuances.
Let’s look at the different words that he uses to describe death: Sheol (it is often used synonymously for Hell as well. But that is a mischaracterization. Sheol is simply the place where people go when they die, according to the Old Testament. It is interesting that in the Old Testament there isn’t a place where people go where there is the weeping and gnashing of teeth or where Christ is with them in eternity. The conception of heaven and hell doesn’t become more defined until the New Testament and John Milton much, much later.), pit, among the dead, grave, the regions dark and deep, shades, and land of forgetfulness. There is enough there to make you think that he thought about death often.
Here’s to hoping that the next psalm speaks more about joy than death.
March 28, 2017: Day 87 – Psalm 87
March 28, 2017I’m listening to this music as I’m writing the Psalm since it is one of my favorite hymns and it is so upbeat. It is also completely taken from Psalm 87. Do you see that in vs.3? See, you probably didn’t know that so much of what we know and so much of what we do in church comes directly from the Psalms. That is especially true in Presbyterian churches since the Psalms have always served such an important role.
I was actually feeling more in the mood for a lament today since: my knee is crazy swollen and no one seems to have any idea why, I dropped my computer and broke the back of it, they replaced our wood insert (for free) and after saying everything was fine I went to start a fire and it rocks back and forth like crazy, and I’m sure there are other reasons for complaining. Anyway, all of this led me to wanting to hear and read another lament so I could say: I know exactly what you mean!
But instead I get this psalm and I still have the hymn in the background (I pressed replay). That is what the psalms are able to do for you. They can take you from one stage of mind to another which is much more healthy and reflective of the presence of the Lord in our life.
March 27, 2017: Day 86 – Psalm 86
March 27, 2017So I should be the one who provides insight and understanding as you read this Psalm. I am puzzled and cannot find an answer, however, to vs.16. Who is this serving girl that is mentioned? The only educated guess that I can make, since I can’t find any of the commentaries which address this, is that this is actually Solomon who might be writing this Psalm. I know, it says Psalm of David, but as we have seen in the past just like artists who were around in the 15th and 16th century there were schools of art that were attributed to famous artists and so they are attributed with that work. Solomon, who was the son of Bathsheba, who could be considered a serving girl, just might be the author of this psalm.
If this is the case then that is ironic, because he begins the psalm by claiming that he is poor, and yet Solomon is considered not only one of the wisest leaders in history, but also one of the wealthiest.
Vs. 8 makes me think of this song. I’ll leave you with this.
March 26, 2017: Day 85 – Psalm 85
March 26, 2017Will you just read vs.10 and tell me what you think. I love to think of the marriage of righteousness and peace. So think about it. You can have peace in a nation but if the ruler is a despot and a dictator then it would probably mean that righteousness is not a part of the picture. Conversely, you may have the most righteous ruler who is a lover of all humankind, but if there is not peace in the land, then you will have war. But, when peace and righteousness kiss, you get both and the ideal rule takes place.
Don’t get me wrong, we do not live in a theocracy, but I’m not sure if I wouldn’t want to. What I mean is that I think I might want to live in a Christian theocracy. Israel was a theocracy which meant that the king also built the temple and encouraged the people to worship. I think people in our nation want to live in a theocracy, as long as the theo (god) who is worshipped is the Christian God. Our nation was founded upon the freedom of religion. This does not mean a Christian majority, it means that you are free in this country to serve and worship the god that you want to.
IF you are someone who complains that there isn’t prayer in school, or that as Christians we are persecuted in this country, then I would invite you to rethink the way this country was founded. It was not founded for Christians, it was founded for refugees who would be able to worship the god that they wanted how they wanted. I love our country because of this history, but I wonder what people expect when I hear folks complain that Christians are no longer the favored ones. We were never meant to be.