Bible Reading Challenge Blog
December 3, 2018: Day 2 – Jonah 2
December 5, 2018We find ourselves in the setting where Jonah is in the belly of the fish. While he is in that fish he prays. That’s not a bad thing to do while you are in the belly of a fish. As he is praying he focuses on how he called out to God in his distress trusting and hoping that God would deliver. He states in vs.7 that as he was dying, he remembered the Lord.
Isn’t it nice to know that the Lord remembers us in every single moment of our lives, not just in these crises moments? It is interesting to me that here is Jonah, a prophet of the Lord, and somehow in the midst of all these activities he had to “remember the Lord.” It might be a reminder to us that we should never find ourselves in a place where we have to consciously “remember the Lord”, but rather that a song should always be on our lips. When we say that we ought to pray without ceasing, taking our example from Paul in I Thessalonians 5:17, it means that we should constantly have the blessings and the presence of God on our mind and be aware of that.
In this sudden moment of clarity for Jonah we then read a proclamation that we are grateful that he makes. He states: “Deliverance belongs to the Lord!” Oh yes it does, and immediately after that we see that Jonah is spewed up on the dry land. At this point, at the end of chapter 2, we do not know yet where this dry land is. We don’t know if he is spewed up in Nineveh, or somewhere else. We just know that he was delivered. Maybe he can go home and continue on his life without that impossible task of bringing the Gospel to the Ninevites. Let’s see what happens next chapter.
December 2, 2018: Day 1 – Jonah 1
December 5, 2018We begin with Jonah which is one of my favorite of all the Bible stories. The story of Jonah has been used by Jews, Christians and Muslims alike to describe the faithfulness of God for those who repent. It describes a time period in the reign of King Jeroboam II. The command to go to the Ninevites was one that would have struck fear in any missionary’s heart. The Ninevites were ruthless and did not hesitate to mercilessly destroy any nation or people who might be in their path. Their reputation was one of being a cruel and vicious nation. Here is an ancient depiction of the Ninevites and their cruelty.
So it shouldn’t be a big surprise that when Jonah was asked he refused to go, who would ever want to go to this people? They were also sworn enemies of the Israelites, so if, just if, they did repent, Jonah did not want his name associated as being the prophet who saved the Ninevites from certain destruction. The Israelites would have wanted and even would have prayed for their destruction. So he runs, but God pursues.
Don’t get caught up if it is a whale or a fish. The point is that God sent a creature to swallow Jonah up for three days and three nights. If you go to Matthew 12:38-42 you will see that our Savior, Jesus, uses this example to describe his certain death and resurrection. Now, not everyone caught it and understood what he was saying, but when you read it you should be able to draw a pretty straight line between the story of Jonah and the death of Jesus, three days in the grave, and his subsequent resurrection.
The story and the character of Jonah get more complicated as we continue.
Coming December 2 – 90 Day Challenge vi
November 14, 2018
Dear FPC family and friends and journeyers along the 90 Day Challenge road,
We continue to move forward in our study. It is hard to believe that we find ourselves in the 6th of these challenges, while also having studied two others along the way. We will begin this study on the first Sunday in Advent, December 2, and end it on March 1. We will be looking at the following books of the Bible: Jonah, Isaiah, Daniel, Obadiah, and Micah. I am especially excited to make our way through Isaiah as we begin our Advent Season as it speaks to the coming of our Messiah, whom we call Jesus the Christ.
Advent is a season which prepares us for the second coming of Jesus. This second coming we anticipate because it will bring to completion and fruition all of the promises that we read in Scripture. There will be a new heaven and a new earth, there will be no more weeping and crying, there will be peace over all the earth, there will be celebration and joy spread throughout the planet. We could do with some of that.
Remember to follow along online with the daily blog at
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Bob
November 14, 2018
November 9, 2018: Day 90 – Lamentations 5
November 9, 2018As slaves in captivity the Israelites are crying out to the Lord to be remembered. The author laments in vs.7 that it was the fault of their ancestors and yet they are the ones paying the price. In order to get food they have to make pacts with their enemies. The entire chapter points to a request from the people of Israel to be remembered in all that they are going through.
Vs. 19 gives us a bit of a pause and a recognition by the author that even in the midst of this tragic time in the history of the nation: “You, O Lord, reign forever, your throne endures to all generations.”
This is a good place to declare that we are now finished with this 90 Day Challenge. It is hard to believe that we have made our way all the way through these days. Our next 90 Day Challenge will start in Advent on December 2. I can’t wait to begin that one as we start Advent with Isaiah. We will make our way through the Bible yet!
November 8, 2018: Day 89 – Lamentations 4
November 8, 2018We find the siege of Jerusalem described, once again, in graphic terms. You hear about the thirst of the children which was not to be assuaged, and left the children’s tongues clinging to the roof of their mouths. We find this destruction even greater than the one that we read about with Sodom in Genesis. We read about women who were deemed highly respectable were left to boil their own children for food.
Once again the author points to a direct causal attribution in vs. 13 where he states: “It was for the sins of her prophets and the iniquities of the priests.” The blame is placed directly in the lap of the religious leaders of the day, which is where it belonged, and probably where it belongs today as well. If the religious leaders do not speak up and encourage the people to see things through the lenses of Scripture and the eyes of a gracious God, then how are the people to be blamed if they follow an immoral and ungodly course?
If you go to vs.20 you will see that it refers to the Lord’s anointed as being taken to their pits. This probably refers to King Zedekiah who was the last king of Judah, whose defeat signals the failure of the Davidic dynasty to protect the people. This showed that they were no longer protected by God’s anointed, because the people had turned their back on God.
November 7, 2018: Day 88 – Lamentations 3
November 7, 2018
You may be wondering from where the words to this hymn come. Who would have guessed it came from Lamentations 3? Sure enough if you look at vs.22-24 you can see the lines from the hymn right there. I’m not sure if the last time that you sang that hymn you were thinking of the context in which it took place. Jeremiah is bemoaning the fall of Jerusalem, and yet somehow he is able to speak about the faithfulness of God. He is able to speak about the newness every morning of the presence of God and so as a result: “I will hope in him.” Even in the face of unspeakable tragedy he is able to say: “The Lord is my portion.” We can’t forget from where these words find their origin. It is in the midst of the unfathomable suffering that the prophet is able to write these words. Wow, just wow.
November 6, 2018: Day 87- Lamentations 2
November 7, 2018Starting at vs.19 things get pretty disturbing. We find a full description in this chapter of the destruction which took place to Jerusalem. The description was pretty bad up to this point, but then starting at vs.19 it just gets graphic. If you read vs. 20 you hear the questions asked: “should women eat their offspring? Should priest and prophet be killed in the sanctuary of the Lord?” It continues in vs.21: “The young and old are lying on the ground in the streets; my young women and my young men have fallen by the sword.” This has to be what it looked like when the Babylonians came and invaded Jerusalem.
This must be the most difficult time in the history of the Jewish people. The Holocaust was certainly the most tragic in recent history, but this description points not to just a loss of life, which unfortunately the Jewish people have experienced time after time in history, but also a loss of the religious way of life with the destruction of the temple. The loss of the temple had to have been the most tragic blow to the people of Israel in history. This is why there is still conflict and emotion tied into the Wailing Wall and the entire Temple Mount in Jerusalem to this day.
But even in the face of this misery we do not read the author blaming God or asking for deliverance because they are in this position without any fault of their own. They do attribute to the Lord the hand that allowed this invasion to take place, but not in a way that they were angry at God. It was more of a recognition that because we were not faithful, the Lord responded in kind. Real similar to the argument that Job’s friends were making to Job, that somehow he had to have done something wrong or God would not have treated him the way that he did. Job stayed firm in his faith, as did the people of Israel here.
It is interesting how the prophets are spoken of as being deceptive in their casting of visions. You see that in vs.14. They were misleading in their oracles, they gave the people of Israel a wrong vision. I’m not sure things are going to get any better in this book of the Bible.
November 5, 2018: Day 86 – Lamentations 1
November 7, 2018The title of this book of the Bible describes very accurately its content. The title Lamentations comes from the Greek translation, while the Hebrew simply had the word “How” as its title. That would have been the first word of this book of the Bible as it begins: “How lonely sits the city…”. It was thought historically that Jeremiah was the one who wrote this book in the Bible. Again, it is very fitting, considering that Jeremiah is called the “weeping” prophet.
The historical context for this Scripture is the destruction of the temple and the Babylonians having not only invaded the land and taken over Jerusalem, but had also taken the people into captivity, or as we would say, into slavery. As soon as you dive into this Scripture you can tell that something has gone terribly wrong. A psalm that you can read to go alongside this book of the Bible is Psalm 137 where we read that people laid down their harps and wept. Again, this is thought to have happened in the Babylonian conquest when the people were taken out of Jerusalem into captivity.
The personification of Jerusalem as a “she” is not unusual at all in Scripture. Judah and “daughter Zion” are all seen as having been ravaged and completely laid bare by the invading marauders. But interestingly enough no blame is placed at the feet of God. Instead we read: “Jerusalem sinned grievously, so she has become a mockery” in vs. 8. We also read: “The Lord is in the right, for I have rebelled against his word” in vs. 18. There is a recognition that Jerusalem is receiving what is due to them. But it is still painful.
Often we object to what we receive because we don’t feel as if we deserve what we get. We often complain about our state of being simply because we don’t recognize how our actions have contributed to that state and we live often in a state of denial of our own responsibilities. That is not what we are called to be or to do. We are called to claim the responsibilities of falling short of the glory of God as Romans 3:23 reminds us. This is a great example of a tragedy that has taken place and those in the center of that tragedy looking back over their life and seeing the events that led up to the tragedy and how they were contributing factors to that tragedy. We need more people to be held accountable and feel responsible in these kinds of situations.
November 4, 2018: Day 85 – Ecclesiastes 12
November 7, 2018We find ourselves in the last chapter of Ecclesiastes so we are approaching the last days of our 90 Day Challenge. I automatically go to vs.12b, so the second half of vs. 12 which reads: “Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh.” So I was someone who always loved to study, I loved to be in the library, I love to learn period. I remember when I was a kid I read this verse and I wasn’t sure what to make of it because I certainly did not feel weary to my flesh in the midst of my studies. I think it does fit within his vanity approach that even if we do learn many things, there are still many more which we will never know.
We read the calling card of Ecclesiastes in vs.8 where we hear that vanity of vanities, all is vanity. We heard the same proclamation in chapter 1:2 so these words really frame the entire chapter. We read in the next verses how this author was also a teacher and filled other people up with knowledge. So if anyone could say that much study is weariness to the flesh it is someone who had more wisdom than anyone else who walked the face of the earth.
The final verse is a bit sobering as we read that God will bring every deed under judgment, whether it is good or bad. God knows all things and will judge all things. This proclamation is not a threat, but it is a brush with reality which allows us to recognize that we are not alone in this world, and nothing can disappear without it being know. I personally do not think all things are vanity, but I do know that if we don’t have a relationship with Jesus, then then vanity in our life can only be exacerbated.