Bible Reading Challenge Blog

March 10, 2017: Day 69 – Psalm 69

This is a classic psalm of lament.  From beginning to near the end the Psalmist is calling out to the Lord because he is in over his head in trouble and imminent danger.  The transition takes place starting in vs. 30 and then in vs.33 we find that “the Lord hears the needy, and does not despise his own that are in bonds.”  The assumption is that the writer would fill both of those categories as being needy and belonging to the Lord.

So much of this psalm is the author stating that he did what was right and what was expected of him and yet people still mocked and made fun of him.  He fasted and they insulted him (vs.10).  We find vs.9 as a verse which is repeated when Jesus drives out the money changers from the temple in John 2:17.  Being consumed with zeal for the house of the Lord is a good thing, even if it does lead to some social separation.  Doing what is right is no guarantee that we will have favor on this earth.  It is a common misconception that as we become followers of Jesus Christ then our lives become a bit more routine and able to be managed.  I would actually argue quite the opposite.  The more we belong to Christ, the less steady we are on this earth.  That is also a good thing.  

March 9, 2017: Day 68 – Psalm 68

This has to be the most difficult Psalm in the entire book of Psalms.  The approach of the author is one where God is lifted up as one who defends the people, but then takes that next step of bringing the enemies before the reader “so that you may bathe you feet in blood, so that the tongues of your dogs may have their share from the foe.”  And who said that we worship a God of peace and Islam is based upon violence and bloodshed?  They must not have seen these verses in the Bible.  I would guess that we are able to find very unsettling verses in the Bible which speak to destroying the enemy with bloodshed which closely mirrors the verses from the Koran that point to death to the infidels.  Isn’t it something how religion sparks the worst in us?  

I guess this is one of those psalms that I would like to quickly pass over.  But let me lift up those parts that make me smile and give me strength for the day.  As we read in vs.4 we see that we are to lift up the name of God.  The main reason for that, as we read in vs.5 is that he is the Father of orphans and widows.  He gives the desolate a home to live in and leads out the prisoners to prosperity.  It does remind me of Jesus’ words in the synagogue which got him kicked out of this home town.  Read Luke 4:14-30.  It is quite an intense discourse and it ends with an attempt at violence and bloodshed but it is thwarted.  But Jesus refers in the synagogue to a Scripture which comes from Isaiah.  When you read Isaiah 61:1 it gives similar wording to the author.  

These three Scriptures, and many others, form the foundation for what I consider my ministry.  It is our responsibility, even if it is at a cost to ourselves, to care for the most vulnerable within our society.  That doesn’t seem to be our approach these days.  It surprises people to think that Jesus put the poor, the widow and orphan, the homeless and the prisoner, ahead of our own self-interest.  Why would we do that if it endangers us?  Because we are called to do it.  This has to be the sign of our Christian faith, and not the dangling of our feet in the blood of our enemies, or in the blood of the less fortunate regardless of how they became less fortunate.

March 8, 2017: Day 67 – Psalm 67

So before you think too much about this Psalm I want you to read Numbers 6:22-27.  Do you see what is happening in this Psalm?  It is a time in the life of the psalmist that frankly things are going well.  This priestly blessing of Numbers 6:22-27, which I believe we commented on earlier and Elliott Smith said his mom gave that blessing after each of her services, is a blessing which was given by Aaron to all of the Israelites so that they would know that they were chosen and picked out individually by God.  It is a way in which God put His name upon the Israelites, it is the way that God has put His blessing on us as well.

When we turn to Psalm 67 we find these same words within the context of: If God blesses us then we will be able to be a blessing to all of the nations as well.  We see this same concept in Isaiah 49:6 where the prophet tells the people of Israel that they are to be a light to the nations (gentiles) so that they, even they, would come to a saving knowledge of the Lord.  

In the Old Testament another word for nations would be “goyim” which can also be translated as gentiles.  This is very much of an evangelistic psalm.  The Psalmist is not just content with the people of Israel knowing and love YHWH, but he understands the goal is that all the nations, including the nations worshipping idols and foreign gods, would come to know the living Creator God.  The desire is that all the ends of the earth would love Him.  All the ends of the earth, all of the countries, even those who did not worship the same God as the Israelites.  Wow, now that is an expansive faith.  

Hey, unrelated, but the 24 hour prayer vigil sign up sheet is up on the door of the my office.  Sign up!

March 7, 2016: Day 66 – Psalm 66

“Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.”  You have heard this before, and now you know from whence it came.   The glory and the majesty of the Lord are highlighted in this psalm.  But there are particular events in history to which the author points to lift up the rule of God.  Look at vs.6 and to which historical event do you think he is referring?  Most of us would say Exodus 14:21-29, or if you wanted a Hollywood reference you may have had this in mind:

But I think the historical reference may have actually been Joshua 3:14-17 when Israel crossed the Jordan with the ark of the covenant.  This was crucial in David’s day because he was the one who had the vision to build the temple even if his son, Solomon, would be the one who ended up building it.  In either case we have here David referring to specific historical events in the nation of Israel that have taken place which all of the people would know.  As a result, they could all say: Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.  In saying that, they would have in their minds specific occurrences which would bring about joy and thanksgiving.




March 6, 2017: Day 65 – Psalm 65

This psalm is all about praise.  It is all about praise.  

Think of the listing of attributes that are given to the Lord which allows the author to praise him.  God: answers prayer, forgives, answers us, is the hope, established the mountains, silences the roaring waves (in our life), makes nature shout for joy, visits the earth and waters it, provides grain.  The list goes on.  But what I love about this psalm is the pasture imagery which pervades it.  You can definitely tell that the person who wrote this understood the outdoors and what makes it tick.  The person who wrote this knew what it meant to work hard in God’s nature.

My work is behind a desk, or visiting in hospitals or people’s homes, or behind a pulpit, or at meetings.  My work doesn’t take me outside.  But I love to be outside and I especially love to work outside.  I love to split wood until my arms can’t move.  I love to dig out things until my hands are bleeding with blisters, I love to run until I can’t run anymore, I love to be in God’s creation not just for the sake of being outside, but to actually do something which is demanding.  The person who wrote this psalm understood the value of this even better than I do.

I hope you take pleasure in God’s creation.  I hope you find in your life moments when you can read this psalm and completely relate to what it means when the writer says: The pastures of the wilderness overflow, the hills gird themselves with joy, the meadows clothe themselves with flocks, the valleys deck themselves with grain, they shout and sing together for joy.  That’s the image I have of God preparing this earth of us.

March 5, 2017: Day 64 – Psalm 64

When I was working my way through college throughout the summer I had my own apartment in Linwood, NJ and worked at Golf and Tennis World in Atlantic City.  I would periodically be given tickets to see boxing bouts at the casinos in Atlantic City and I would love to go.  I loved boxing, in high school for a couple of years a few of my friends and I bought gloves and boxed, just to the body.  It was fun.  I loved watching boxing because it would go back and forth and when you thought someone had a bout locked up, the other person would come back and win.  It was exciting.

These Psalms feel like a boxing match.  At the beginning you have the author calling out to God for help (vs.1-2).  He lists the negative attributes of his enemy, but by doing so builds up his enemy as a formidable foe (vs.3-5).  Once he builds them up he gets to a point where it seems like he is going down for the count, well, God then comes to his rescue (vs.7-9).  Then he ends the psalm with a celebration and a victory dance (vs.10).  A bit like what Freddy Mercury had to say in this song (please pardon the outfit, I don’t condone it):

March 4, 2017: Day 63 – Psalm 63

We find in I Samuel 23 that David was pursued into the wilderness of Judah by Saul.  He begins the Psalm very appropriately.  He speaks about the parchness that he feels, he speaks of his inadequacies as if he were wandering in a land that is dry.  In the midst of all this the dwelling place of the Lord serves as an oasis.  It serves as a place where he is able to go and gather himself and where he can find the presence of the Lord in a powerful and real way.  

Today it is going to be brief.  But I encourage you to find your place which brings relief to your dry soul.  

March 3, 2017: Day 62 – Psalm 62

I was absolutely captivated by the first two verses of this psalm.  I love the thought of my soul waiting in silence for God.  Waiting in silence for God…waiting…in silence…for God.  There is an interesting internal discussion that takes place here as the author begins with a testimonial describing who God is to him.  It is almost as if he is talking to himself, and then expands it out to those around him, who happen to be his enemies.  

He then goes back to this personal dialogue of talking to himself and asserting that his soul is waiting for God in silence.  It repeats and it allows us to be sucked into his thoughts that we should be waiting for God in silence.  But notice that in vs.1 he stresses that salvation comes from God.  In vs.5 he states that his hope is in Him.  He repeats but stresses different aspects of what it means that our soul waits on the Lord, in silence.  It means that we fully recognize that salvation comes from God.  It means that we completely embrace the hope that comes from him.  

Vss. 9-10 are interesting.  They seem a bit out of place as the author becomes Captain Obvious.  Put no confidence in extortion and set no vain hopes in robbery.  Not a piece of advice which I would think I would have to give to people everyday.  So I almost want to take those verses out and then focus in on the first 8 verses plus the verses which end this psalm.  Power belongs to God.   

March 2, 2017: Day 61 – Psalm 61

This is the song that comes to my mind when I read this psalm.  When I get to verse 2 where it states “lead me to the rock”, for some reason I substitute it with “lead me to the cross”.  

I guess vs. 2 also makes me think of this song.  It states very specifically that God is our strong tower.  Boy, strong towers were so important in David’s day.  They provided safety, refuge, a fortress which could even be impregnable.  That is what we want our God to be.

Isn’t it something how we are able to relate to music in a way that probably we can’t relate to in words.  Everyone of us learns God’s truths in different ways.  Some of us can only experience the lessons and the words will fall on our deaf ears.  But music does something that at times words cannot express.

On Tuesday we were at Presbytery and the person who preached, Doug Good, shared this song with us.  It is one that we sing in worship often.

Today is a song day.  We are asking God to lead us to the cross, for Him to be our strong tower, which He is, and that He would sustain us even when we feel as if the waters have risen over our heads.  Enjoy today!

March 1, 2017: Day 60 – Psalm 60

It is interesting to note that the historical occurrence to which the prelude alludes was actually one of David’s greatests conquests.  When Joab destroyed all the males of Edom it was also the time that David had one of his greatest victories.  You can read that in II Samuel 8:13.  But you would never know that when you read through the Psalm.  It seems more like a cry for relief and help in the midst of battling against foes than it does a time when victory is coming soon.  

The Psalm begins with a lament that God has basically taken the other side.  The complaint is that God has broken them and made his people suffer.  It really isn’t what I would expect from the historical situation of the time.  Verses 9-12 are curious because it seems that the author is doubting whether God is really going to rally with them.  There are questions as to whether God has rejected them or if God is still going out with them on the battlefield.  The author states that human help is worthless.  I believe Gideon proved that point.  The number of people you have is not significant if God is not with you.

Finally, the last verse we see a glimmer of the old David who trusted that no matter what, God would never leave or forsake him.  We read that it is with God that we can win, God will win the battle for us.  It does sound like a psalm of defeat as the author is getting ready for another battle after a thrashing.  I guess the practical application is that we need to see God still on our side even after a thrashing, whatever that thrashing may look like.  We should always be confident that with God we shall do valiantly.