Bible Reading Challenge Blog

Day 132 – February 21, 2024: II Chronicles 17-21 and Proverbs 14

So for the most part the kings of Judah did what was pleasing in the sight of the Lord, unless your name is Jehoram. And the result of your unfaithfulness is a disease of the bowels that finishes with a painful death. If that isn’t incentive to obey the Lord, don’t know what is. But it is surprising to me to see king after king who pretty much obeys the Lord and does his bidding. We see that Jehoshaphat even tore down the high places which is more than what Asa or some of the other kings did. But even he couldn’t draw himself from the temptation of seeing what building ships and sailing them would feel like.

Look at Proverbs 14 where you have a long list of dos and donts. There is some real wisdom there that allows each of us to grow if we were to only listen to its advice. How can you argue with: “The talk of fools is a rod to their back and the lips of the wise preserve them.” I can’t help but notice that the more a foolish talker talks, the more trouble he gets himself in. While the more a wise person keeps silent, the more his words are valued. What a great life lesson.

Day 131 – February 20, 2024: II Chronicles 11-16

Forty one years as king is a pretty good gig. Even if only 25 of them were faithful, still the reign of Asa rivaled the reign of his ancestors David and Solomon, long and peaceful. What we have here in Chronicles is a bit of a cliff notes version of the reigns of the kings and all that takes place. Right now we are only looking at the southern kingdom, Judah, with whatever history we receive from the north, Israel, as being somewhat tangential. For the most part we have good rulers who are overseeing the reign of Judah. We aren’t innundated with names.

Notice what happened to the priests who were faithful to God and yet lived in the north. They decided to come back down south and be able to live and worship and serve the one true God. That happens sometimes. When where we are seems to have lost its way it might be important to move to a place where we feel that God is more present, or at least where we are able to experience God more fully. The ficklness is ours and ours alone, but there is something to be said about emotion and how we feel about something. God was directly present in Judah because the people were faithful, period. That wasn’t an emotion.

Day 130 – February 19, 2024: II Chronicles 6-10 and Psalm 30

We get to see the reign of Solomon, and boy what a reign it was. Israel is so well ruled that the queen of Sheba comes along to see if the stories that she heard were actually true. Not only were they true, but Scripture says that she was crestfallen because Solomon’s rule was even greater than what she had heard. There is one way in which she describes his rule which I think is very telling. Basically she exclaims to Solomon that everyone is happy! From the lowest servant to the highest ruling person, everyone is happy because they know what their role and what their job is. That speaks a lot to the person who is in charge, that everyone is happy.

We do not read of a single instance in Chronicles where Solomon disobeys the Lord or does anything against the will of God. Unfortuantely, once his rule is over his son doesn’t do a great job. In fact, from the very first decision that he makes: “My finger is larger than the loins of David.”, the writing is on the wall. I know David, and you are no David.

Day 129 – February 17, 2024: II Chronicles 1-5 and Psalm 72

The rule of Solomon begins, and it begins well. We all know the story of how God asks him what he might want. Solomon says that God has been so faithful to him that he really has all that he needs or would want materially, but since he is given such a large responsibility, to reign over God’s people, WOW, that is a lot, that he would ask for wisdom so he doesn’t mess it up. Those are my words and not his, but it is basically what he is thinking. I remember when I began pastoring in Palatka, Florida and my predecessor was an excellent pastor and beloved. I remember stepping in as a 29 year old and thinking, just don’t mess this up.

He begins building God’s temple. Notice he begins the temple before he begins building his own house. I assume that the people noticed that too and understood that his priorities were such that he put God first before anything. That had to be respected. We see that he also won the favor and the respect of the surrounding nations as well. Basically, he was a really good guy and a really good king.

Psalm 72 is a prototypical royal psalm. It speaks about asking a blessing upon the king. We see at the end of the psalm that it was considered the last of the psalms of David. It makes sense. If he was asking for a blessing upon his succesor, then that would have been Solomon. It is very likely that this psalm was written and sung by David as a tribute to his son who was about to take on the reigns of the kingdom. That gives us a little more personal touch.

Day 128 – February 15, 2024: I Chronicles 26-29 and Psalm 32 and Proverbs 13

Sometimes there is too much good stuff to include it all in what I write. I learned something while reading Chronicles. I had no idea that once David figured out that God had not reserved for him the joy of building the temple, that it was going to be his son Solomon who eventually was able to do it, that he set to work to ensure that when Solomon decided to build it he would have everything he needed. David squirreled away everything that might be needed for the building of the temple. What we find in the end of Chronicles is the importance of the logistics and the details in creating a space where God is able to be glorified. It may seem as if it is second nature to just praise God, but if the setting in which you find yourself, and if the accoutrements are distracting, then worship will be hard to come by. David knew the value of detail and he had it all laid out for his son so that all he had to do was say go and everyone knew what they needed to do and they had what they needed to do it. Pretty cool, also very controlling on David’s part.

Psalm 32 is awesome. It is the one where we find a wonderful combination of lament and the realization of all the promises that God has made. All of it is wrapped up in one Psalm. We go from: “My body wasted away from all my groaning all day long…” to “You are a hiding place for me, you preserve me from trouble, you surround me with glad cries of deliverance.” A bit of a whiplash which reminds us that God is faithful, period.

Then proverbs reminds us that if we do not discipline our children they will probably not turn out the way we would want or the way that God would want. A little known secret is that even if we do discipline our children they still may not, probably will not, turn out the way that we expect. Just be faithful in following what the Lord has put before you and trust that how they turn out, whether it is what you want or what they want or neither, is the way that the Lord wants them to turn out. That’s a lot of trust, but it is necessary.

Day 127 – February 14, 2024: I Chronicles 21-25 and Psalm 127

Here we have a very clear story of David sinning, but there is no real understanding of the motive for his sin except maybe he wanted to know how big and powerful her really was. So he told his underlings to take a census, which had always been something that had told him in no uncertain terms to ever do. But for some reason, and this is a bit puzzling to me, he clearly goes against God’s will for no real reason and for no real benefit. He even had an underling who told him that this wasn’t a good idea. This underling, Joab, refused to do a census for the Levites because he was furios that David had told him to do something that was clearly against God’s wishes.

Now that this is behind him, this sin, he sets to work to get things ready for his son Solomon to build the temple. We then get another geneology of the Levites. Why is this? Because it was the Levites who were in charge of the worship and in charge of all that took place in the Temple. This chapter focuses on the temple and here we have those who would be crucial in all things Temple.

Psalm 127 has a favorite quote where we read: Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. The house that is mentioned is the house of the Lord. The Temple has always been seen as the house of the Lord. This Psalm addresses that clearly. But we use it often to describe what we mean in our own homes or in churches. Again, we don’t believe that God lives in a building, but the buildings have always mattered.

Day 126 – February 13, 2024: I Chronicles 16-20 and Psalm 29

We continue to look at the life and times of David and his kingdom. We see that David is a bit perplexed that he is able to live in a beautiful house made of cedar, but God, in the ark of the covenant, is still living in a box with a moveable tent. He beseeches God that he be allowed to make him a house worthy of who he was. But God says no, you will not build a house for me. But you will have a son and he will be the one who will build a house for me. David continues to defend the kingdom. He has a close friend in a fellow king who dies. He sends consolation to his son, but the son listens to his advisors who tell him that David wasn’t actually sending condolensces, but rather checking out the strength of their kingdom. That wasn’t the case, but they were determined to teach David a lesson. They humiliated the messengers of David.

Well, David wasn’t excited about that and wiped them out. Yeah, so that happened, and another chronicle takes place. Don’t sleep on Psalm 29. Powerful.

Day 125 – February 12, 2024: I Chronicles 11-15 and Psalm 28

We continue to see a repeat of the stories that we have heard in Kings which describes the relationship between David and Saul and which is very fraught. Upon the death of Saul David takes over and takes on wives, priority #1, moves the ark of the covenant, priority #2, and establishes himself definitively, priority #3. He may have had his priorities wrong, but he does listen to the Word of the Lord and even takes the advice of God on military matters. These chapters are meant to solidify who David was and the authority with which he governs.

Psalm 28 provides another opportunity to hear the assurances that the Lord will always be our strength and our shield. This assurance, this promise which we heard in Psalm 28, seems to be impingent upon, however, our faithfulness. A bit of a dangerous proposition, but one that we see repeated over and over again in Scripture. God’s love for us has no limits. But our sins do have repercussion.

Day 124 – February 10, 2024: I Chronicles 6-10 and Psalm 27

Arguably Psalm 27 is my favorite Psalm. A fair warning is that I have a number of favorite psalms, but 27 is on the very, very short list. The quote that I can’t keep out of my head is seen in verses 13-14: “I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” That means here on this earth people. Do we believe that we will see God’s hand at work here and now, or are we relegating God’s work to the promise of eternal life. This Psalm tells us that we ought to believe, and blessed is he who believes, that we will see the glory of the Lord here and now. But then we are given a hint on how to experience the glory of the Lord. It is quite simple, look at vs. 14: “Wait for the Lord, be strong, and let your heart take courage, wait for the Lord.” Nothing quite as exquisite in all of Scripture as what we find here.

Chronicles does Chronicles, and ends with the death of Saul and the coronation of David. Not much narrative of import besides that.

Day 123 – February 9, 2024: I Chronicles 1-5 and Psalm 26

There are very few places in Chronicles where you find a narrative. Some of the places in these chapters you will find the infamous prayer of Jabez, Chronicles 4, where culturally it has become a pseudo-prosperity Gospel. But there is nothing wrong in praying that the Lord would protect us and keep us. There is also a narrative dealing with in chapter 5 which describes the apostasy, so what’s new, of the Israelites and how as a result of the apostasy God abandoned them and allowed them to be taken into captivity. What we can’t forget in what might feel like somewhat mundane recitation of names is that the nation of Israel’s building block is built around memory and never forgetting who the Lord is and how the Lord has brought us this far. This memory has to be instilled and built up over the centuries. This recitation of names is more than just that, it is also a reminder of the constant faithfulness of the Lord. God has been faithful to me and to all those who preceeded me, is what is meant by these names.