PSA Bible Reading Challenge 2023-2024
June 8, 2016: Day 10 – Acts 10
June 8, 2016Things are starting to be shaken up now. We are no longer doing things the way they have always been done before. Remember in past blogs I had mentioned that the Jews were the chosen ones and the gentiles had not been tapped to receive salvation as of yet. This all changes in this chapter. We have Peter, who is considered the primary apostle, who is in Joppa sitting on a roof digesting his lunch. Peter is a key character in Acts and has throughout history been considered the one through whom Christ has established his church. Remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 16:18 where some see this as a confirmation of Peter’s primacy. There is no denying that Peter played a central role in the development and in the decision making of the early church. Here is a picture of Peter as represented in art history by Reubens:
You’ll notice that he is holding literal keys because of Jesus’ words in Matthew. You can always pick out Peter in art history because he is the one in all works of art holding the keys. This is the Peter that is mentioned here in Acts 10. It is in this scene that the gates of heaven are opened to the gentiles.
I call this scene in Acts “Pigs in a blanket”. As Peter is digesting he sees a vision. The consequence of this vision is that we get the green light to eat all that which God has made. No longer do we have to follow the Levitical laws which differentiate between clean and unclean animals. We also get the green light to know that God has chosen all of humanity to have a relationship with him. Peter states in vs. 28: “God has shown me that I should not call anyone profane or unclean.” I wonder if that applies also to those who might have leprosy or other diseases which would keep them out of the temple. It is at this point that the Gospel becomes accessible to all who would believe in Jesus Christ. Later on we will see the debate that arises over once they are accepted into the fold then how much do they have to become Jewish in order to be fully accepted. Do they need to be circumcised? Do they need to follow the Jewish laws? All of these questions are answered at the Jerusalem council in chapter 15 of Acts. We are almost there.
The scene continues in vs. 44 with the Holy Spirit falling upon these gentiles and they speak in tongues as the Spirit gives them power. Cornelius is welcomed into the fold not only in baptism but with the Holy Spirit. Those with Peter were amazed at this very visible exhibition of the power of God that would fall upon the gentiles. I guess I need to go back from the beginning and say that Cornelius is a centurion which is a Roman soldier, and not just any Roman soldier, but he was of the Italian Cohort which would have been the Navy Seals of the day. They were the best trained and the most loyal troops to the Emperor. This is so significant because it is becoming more and more obvious that the Gospel message is reaching out to all people from every demographic group. This will be even more the case as time progresses. He would have been a member of the Way with substantial influence once he came into the fold.
June 7, 2016: Day 9 – Acts 9
June 7, 2016If you followed the 90 Day Challenge you will know by now who my favorite artist is. Caravaggio who painted during the Baroque era has stolen my heart. Here is his depiction of Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus.
Imagine if 5 years ago you were told that Osama bin Laden was coming to your house in Strasburg and the Lord commanded you to heal him from a sickness. I think we would all have mixed feelings about that. It is a similar situation that faced Jonah when he was called to minister to the Ninevites, the arch-enemies of the Israelites. But if they repent, then God will spare them. Not something I want as part of my legacy, the person who spared our enemies from defeat. This was the predicament that Ananias had to face.
When we were in Florida we began what we hoped would evolve into a church. That goal was never realized but some of my best memories were going on a Sunday evening and bringing Rachel along as a young elementary aged kid as we worshipped and celebrated God. We called the church Damascus because don’t we all have an opportunity to meet the Lord on whatever road we find ourselves? This is what happened to Saul. He took the initiative to find ways to persecute the Christians even more than what was currently possible. He petitioned the high priest for letters to be able to randomly seize and put in prison Christians. These letters would have amounted to warrants. He saw it as his mission to track down Christians. It was his holy mission as a devout Jew.
A funny thing happened on the way to Damascus. He was confronted by the Lord. A few things that are of interest in this story. First of all, nowhere do we read that he was riding a horse and that he was thrown off it. That has always been my image of the story primarily because art history has depicted it in such a way. We also find in vs. 2 the first name that the Christian movement is given which is The Way. You can imagine that it was taken from Jesus’ self-identifying attribute of being “the way, the truth, and the life”. But Saul is thrown to the ground and he hears God’s voice which chastises him for persecuting the Christians. He then goes three days without food and water. One of the most moving pieces of music that portrays the beginning of this chapter is found here:
In the town of Damascus is a disciple who was a believer and he is also visited by the Lord. This Saul, who was responsible for the vast majority of Christian deaths in that region, had become a believer! Is it possible? Ananias lays hands on him and Saul is healed, receives the Holy Spirit, and is baptized. From there he immediately goes into the synagogues, where they knew him well, and began preaching about Jesus the Messiah. No greater conversion has ever taken place in the history of Christianity. It is not as if Saul was more important than anyone else, but he certainly was one of the most destructive forces to Christianity until his conversion.
Peter’s healing of Tabitha closes out the chapter. This chapter is a crucial one as we make our way through this 90 Day Challenge II. We will be referring back to Saul’s conversion. We will see how he becomes not only a disciple but one of the Apostles as well. But this step has yet to come. Vs. 27 in this chapter is crucial because it reintroduces us to Barnabas (remember the encourager) who becomes the go between for Saul and the other Apostles. Needless to say not everyone received Saul, soon to be Paul, with open arms. How many families who lost loved ones on 9-11 would receive Osama bin Laden with open arms if he came to know Jesus and said that he had changed his way? I would guess not many. The same was true back then. Saul’s conversion was not completely received by the entire church. It continues to be a sore spot throughout his ministry. We will see this in Acts and also in his letters.
June 6, 2016: Day 8 – Acts 8
June 6, 2016Saul approved of the killing of the first Christian martyr called Stephen. It is in these first 3 verses that we see the perverseness of the one who would become the greatest evangelist of all time. He not only approved the killing of Stephen, but he began a witch hunt against those who would call themselves followers of Jesus. In vs. 4 we see the result of this persecution which is that the Gospel of Jesus began to spread from region to region. Because Paul persecuted the Christians they had to spread out and go into the region to flee this persecution. This spreading out allowed, as vs. 4 states, the Gospel to spread from region to region. Then we are introduced to Philip.
The account of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch is probably my absolute favorite in regards to a strategy to evangelism. Wait, I can’t skip over the gift of the Holy Spirit. Sorry, back up, and let’s look at these very controversial verses that talk about a second gifting of the Holy Spirit, or at least what some would call a second gifting. Philip is a powerful evangelist and so much so that he is able to singlehandedly convert Samaria. Remember Samaria, it was there that Jesus and the woman at the well had an extensive conversation and brought the men of the town into it and allowed the town to be introduced and exposed to Jesus first hand. You can find that in John 4. They were ready for someone like Philip to come and reap what had been sowed a few decades earlier. As a result of his success the heads of this fledgling Christian Church, Peter and John, had to come over and check out his work and make sure that everything was working out the way that it was supposed to work out. They had to make sure that things were done decently and in order. Vs. 16 is a puzzling verse for those of us who call ourselves Protestant. How in the world can people who come to give their lives to Jesus not receive the Holy Spirit?
The assumption that we make is that the Holy Spirit is given to the Christian Church, and so all believers, on the day of Pentecost which took place back in Acts 2, received the Holy Spirit. We read this curious Scripture that says that they were only baptized in the name of Jesus and so had not, as of yet, received the Holy Spirit. How do we baptize people? We do not baptize them in the name of Jesus. Look at Matthew 28:19 where we read that we are to go and make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. That is how we baptize, that is how every church that is part of this bride that we call the Church baptizes. If a Roman Catholic comes to join our church they do not need to be rebaptized because they have been baptized as an infant in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The same is true if a Presbyterian were to go and join a Roman Catholic church, they would not need to be rebaptized. This is such a crucial understanding to our faith. So when we read that these believers were only baptized in the name of Jesus, I might be going out on a limb here, I’m guessing they are making up for a shortcoming that was in Philip’s practice as a pastor. They began baptizing people in the trinitarian formula, because Philip was not, and so they had to teach him how to do it.
Please be aware that this is me expostulating from what I believe is true. I can be persuaded differently, but I do not see any need for a second baptism in the Holy Spirit that some denominations believe must take place. There is no need for a second baptism because one in the name of the Trinitarian formula is enough and imbues every person with the Holy Spirit that was given to the church in Acts 2. This is a really important concept because we would never want people to think that their baptism as an infant, or as an adult, is not good enough and we have to have another go at it.
Do we have time to talk about Philip? As I said before, I love Philip and he embodies the perfect evangelistic approach. Oh, I just updated yesterday’s post if you want to see, it has another Rembrandt on it. But notice what happens in this sequence. The Holy Spirit leads Philip to an Ethiopian who is returning from the temple. He is a Eunuch, which means he was castrated and in charge of the treasury of the Queen. He was very much of a VIP. So Philip asks if he understands what he is reading. He happens to be reading from Isaiah, and no, he does not understand. He happens to be reading one of the Suffering Servant scriptures in Isaiah. There are certain Scriptures in Isaiah that point to Jesus as being a suffering servant. He foretells the coming of Jesus who is going to be someone so gentle that he will not break a bruised reed. If you wanted to read all of the suffering servant passages then you can find them below: Isaiah 42, 49, 50, 52, 53.
Once the eunuch hears from Philip who this suffering servant is then he turns his life over to Jesus and spontaneously says upon seeing water: What is to prevent me from being baptized? Oh, how I wish it were that easy for me. I have had so many times when people tell me that they want to be baptized but I can’t until I confab with session and make sure that everything is the way that it is supposed to be. Nothing should prevent people from being baptized, even if it is not decently in order. I love Philip. I love how God uses him. The evangelistic approach which Philip teaches us is to wait until those who need to hear Jesus ask us about Jesus. It is that simple. We will see it again later in Acts.
June 4, 2016: Day 6 – Acts 6
June 4, 2016Here we find a brief mini-series on the disciple known as Stephen. Now, keep in mind that he was not one of the original twelve who had walked with Jesus, but rather he is chosen in these very specific verses to be a deacon. That’s right, I said a deacon. Let’s go ahead and talk through these verses and try to understand what is happening. As we mentioned before the early Christian church was composed of primarily Jewish believers, but there were some who came from a culturally Greek background which was prevalent among the Roman Empire in those days. Those who came from a Greek or pagan/gentile background were called Hellenists. If there were a pecking order in the early church then the Hellenists would have been at the bottom of this order simply because they did not come from a Jewish background. They were the newest arrivals at the church. If we used First Presbyterian as an example then we could say that the Jewish believers were those who had been members of FPC for generations while the Hellenists, the newcomers, are those who have just started coming with the advent of the second service. It is a bit of a stretch but I have to make it relevant somehow.
Well, the widows who had come from the generational believers and the widows from the newcomers all had a chance to eat at church in order to have their needs met. They needed this meal to survive. But, as tends to happen in most cultural settings, those with preferential treatment were getting all of the food while those widows who were the newcomers were being overlooked. The Apostles noticed this and wanted to put an end to it. They needed to appoint 7 people in order to ensure that everyone behaved and everyone got the same amount of food. The reason why I said that Stephen is the first deacon is because these verses are referenced as the first time the role of the deacon is mentioned in Scripture. The Apostles were responsible for the preaching of the Word and for prayer while the deacons, these seven people, were responsible to make sure that no one was overlooked. So the origin of the office of deacon is found here in Acts 6.
But once we get past the beginning of this chapter we see the role of Stephen changing, and we see him in chapter 7 become the first Christian martyr. But from verses 8-15 he no longer is serving table, the task to which he was assigned, but rather preaching the Word of God. It is important to not see a progression of roles that goes deacon is the preliminary step in order to become an elder. No, they are two separate offices with two separate and distinct callings. But here in these verses Stephen moves from being called to be a deacon to that of being the preacher of the Word, which we call an elder.
It is interesting to note that the author specifically lifts up the fact in vs.7 that many priests came to believe in Jesus as Savior and so were added to those who were of the Christian faith. The message of Jesus continues to spread.
June 3, 2016: Day 5 – Acts 5
June 3, 2016 Our stewardship motto for this year is going to be: “Give or Die!” Not really, but if we based it on Acts 5 we could choose that route if we wanted. I warned you that this was going to be a bit of a disturbing chapter. We have two main stories in this chapter, the first is the death of these two disciples who lied to the apostles about how much profit they took in from the selling of their land. I think the key verses for deciphering what happened as result of this event can be found in vs. 11 and vs. 13. Great fear seized the whole church, I assume this includes the disciples who were not directly involved in the death of the two, and as vs. 13 states: “none of the rest dared to join them”. Ananias and Sapphira without a doubt lied to the disciples, and for all intents and purposes lied to God. The punishment was immediate and real. We don’t know the backstory, we just know that they sold their land for more than what they said, they had a chance to tell the truth, they chose not to, and so they died. Interestingly enough we don’t read that God killed them, we don’t read that the people gathered around them laid a hand on them to facilitate their death, we just read that they fell down and died. The image above is Raphael’s depiction of this biblical scene. There is so much going on in that painting, do you see the woman being helped by the disciples, do you see the keys in Peter’s hand, do you see another woman counting her money, could that be Sapphira?
An event takes place in the life of the church that marks it as this type of a church. This is a church that holds each other accountable…to the extreme! What a huge swing that is from today’s church where we really don’t hold each other accountable in any way, shape, or form. We may talk behind someone’s back if they are doing something of which we disapprove, but we would never consider approaching them and calling them out for their sin. Who are we to judge? That’s the most common response we would give and that we hear from others. Oh for a church that would hold each other accountable in love and grace. I say this as the primary offender, by the way. The pastor, that’s me, probably has more insight into the life of people than most, and yet for some reason I feel ill equipped to confront a member of the church with a sin that might be a very visible and obvious part of their life. At the root of this reticence has to be the distance that there is between members of the church. We do not all live together, we do not share everything in common, I am not selling my house and my cars and giving the proceeds to the single mom who just needs to be with her kids. We are not a church in the same sense of the word that they were in the 1st century. Am I making excuses for our inadequacies? Probably, but I hope we are also thinking about possibilities that we may find in our lives to reach out to the ones we love, our brothers and sisters in Christ, with encouraging insights into how we can all walk more like Jesus.
We move from the dirty laundry of the early church to the disciples healing and even their shadows having a salutatory effect. But at vs. 17 we see the religious leaders of the day have had enough. The Sadducees had already had their run in with Peter and his crew and had already thrown him into prison overnight back in chapter 4. Enough is enough. The text says that they were filled with jealousy because all the people were following them. There is nothing worse than jealousy in religion. If you are upset because more people are going to someone else’s church then your perspective is a bit skewed. Why would we not celebrate when a church increases in number? Why would we not celebrate if more laborers are coming into the field? But the Sadducees had the power and were terrified of losing it or of Rome coming in and blaming them for whatever trouble these followers of Jesus might stir up. Time to put a wrap on it, so let’s put them back in prison. Here we have one of the many jailbreaks that take place at the hand of an angel of the Lord.
Let’s look at one phrase that I have used repeated in my ministry to try to understand what God’s guidance and direction might be at a certain time in my life. When I am faced with decisions that might be either personal or in relationship to the church I try to follow God’s guidance by going through the first door that might be opened. From there I see what other doors and opportunities might be opened and then I go through those doors. Gamaliel says the following in vs. 38-39 in regards to Jesus and his followers: “So in the present case, I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone; because if this plan or this undertaking is of human origin, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them—in that case you may even be found fighting against God!” This is so true. If what we plan for the church is just our plan and we have not bathed it in prayer or asked for God’s intervention in a powerful way, it will fail. But if it is of God, then God will bless it.
I have found throughout my ministry that those programs and activities that we are involved in will be blessed if we ask for God’s intervention. When we step out in faith and get involved in something we should know fairly soon if it is of God or not. I can tell you of two times when this was evident in my ministry. The first was in Florida, where we had a preschool that we thought was God’s desire and intention. It ran for a number of years but at a certain point it became obvious that it was losing money big time and conflict and strife were the primary defining aspects of this ministry. We shut it down, it failed, it was not of God. It was obvious to the session and to everyone in that room that this was not of God. The second example was in Russia, where we stepped out in faith to open a second soup kitchen targeting moms and their children. We only had half the money we needed, but we were convinced that this was of God. The council decided to move forward in faith. The next morning the German Embassy called me and promised the remaining funds. Both have to do with money, and unfortunately, I do believe that funds are a great barometer for whether God is blessing a ministry or not. If the Holy Spirit is moving then I have experienced that people know it and are more apt to give and get on board with something that is of God. Is that a bad thing to say? I hope not. Well, the wise words of Gamaliel have held true, the Christian movement has certainly been of God, even, at times, in spite of us.
June 2, 2016: Day 4 – Acts 4
June 2, 2016You need to remember where we were yesterday in order to pick up the flow from today. Remember Peter and John are hanging out in Jerusalem and they heal a man, a beggar, who was crippled. He got up and walked and jumped for joy and then clung to Peter refusing to let him go. That is where we find ourselves today. Peter and John are in the Temple with this man who was healed and a crowd of curious onlookers have gathered. The disciples take this opportunity to preach about Jesus. There is an important aspect of 1st century Christianity that we need to remember. To the outside world there was hardly any distinction between the Jews of the temple and the Jews who believed in Jesus. Belief in Jesus was to many just another manifestation of a Jewish thought and theology. It fell squarely within Jewish practice, and so when the believers in Jesus were in the temple they worshipped and prayed and acted as any other Jewish person would have. This is crucial but it is here where Christians begin to take on a distinction that would eventually force them out of the temple and out of the synagogues, and out of mainstream Judaism forever.
But at this stage Peter and John were just Jewish men who believed in Jesus which really didn’t make them all that different. From the very beginning of today’s verses we find an encounter between these disciples and the Sadducees. It might be helpful at this time to read Matthew 22:23-46. We find that one of the points of contention between the Pharisees and the Sadducees is this issue of the resurrection. The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection. Luke points out very directly that what they took issue with in regards to Peter and John here is not that they are preaching Jesus, they could deal with that, but that they were preaching the resurrection of Jesus. This was a real problem for them. Big problem. Oh, in case you missed it, 5,000 people came to believe as a result of the healing and the words and work of Peter and John. It seems like Luke adds this as an afterthought. Can you imagine the headlines if this were to take place today? But Luke here just casually mentions it. It really isn’t about numbers, it is about the possibilities that we are given to let people know about who Jesus is and who he can be in our lives…if we would just give him a chance.
So Peter and John are put into prison overnight. The next day they are put on trial and asked by what power are they preaching and performing these miraculous acts. They say by the power of Jesus. In fact, in vs. 12 we find the exclusive claim once again, as we see in John 14:6 that solely in Jesus is there salvation. John states no one comes to the Father except through Jesus. Here it is a similar approach as Luke has Peter state: “There is salvation in no one else.” Remember the word for salvation can also mean wholeness and healing. So really there is a double message here in Peter’s words. There is no healing, there is no completeness, there is no reconciliation, there is no peace, there is no eternal life, there is no…” you get the picture and there is probably more than just a double message. This exclusive claim can be disconcerting to some who want to cast a wide net and have an open tent for all to enter the kingdom of God. That is my prayer every night that my understanding of salvation is wrong and that God’s grace far exceeds my limited understanding. In fact, just yesterday, or the day before, I said never, ever judge who is saved or not saved. That is not our job. This is all still true, but we have words in Scripture that point to an exclusive claim in salvation in Jesus and in Jesus alone. There are not many paths to God, there is only one, and that is the path of our Savior Jesus Christ.
I hope you also recognize that this exclusive claim to salvation has as its partner the inclusive net of those for whom Jesus came in the first place. For God came to save the world. This is as inclusive as it gets. So here is the tension. There is this enormously inclusive welcome and invitation for all to come and live under the grace of God through Jesus Christ. But there is this exclusive claim that only those who do claim that promise will get to the Father. It is a tension, but it makes sense to me and it works for my limited understanding.
Now Luke sets the stage for what is going to happen in chapter 5, and it is one of the more disturbing chapters in the Bible. Remember Acts 2:43-47 where we get a glimpse into the life of the earliest disciples. They had everything in common, they met every day for worship and praise. Here in chapter 4:32-37 we are introduced to some of the details of what living together and having everything in common actually looked like. Everyone sold what they had, laid it at the apostles’ feet, and then the apostles’ distributed the proceeds according to the needs of people. It sounds like a recipe for disaster doesn’t it. Can you imagine if we did that at First Presbyterian? I don’t think we would need to worry about new members classes. Often people ask me why we don’t do certain things when theologically we seem to be commanded to do them. Unfortunately, the answer often is because we are pragmatists, we tend to do that which is the most convenient and the least uncomfortable for those around us. We are called to live like the earliest disciples, but we don’t because it isn’t practical. This really isn’t a complaint, just a recognition that we simply do not live up to what we espouse as our ideals and our goals. Keep that in mind the next time you hear someone say that we have compromised our principles. Yes, you are right, we have, and every single day every single person makes decisions on how much we will compromise, and how little. Again, this is not a justification, just reality.
We are also now introduced to Barnabas. We will see much more of him later. Just remember what his name means – the encourager. He is one of my favorite biblical characters because he lives out his name time and time again. We will see how we all need to have a Barnabas in our lives, as well as the times that we need to be the Barnabas in someone else’s life. On to the next day, just brace yourself for chapter 5. It is a doozy.
June 1, 2016: Day 3 – Acts 3
June 1, 2016Acts 3 probably counts as one of those chapters of the Bible that is easily forgotten. We tend to forget that Jesus was not the only one in the Bible who performed miracles and turned the attention of people to God through these miracles. Remember in John when we saw that Jesus’ miracles were called signs and these signs were markers always pointing back to the God of all creation? Peter does the same thing here. In vs. 12 he reminds the people who have gathered as curiosity seekers that it was not through human hands that this person was healed, but rather through the power of Jesus himself. What a great strategy that whatever we are able to accomplish we can redirect it to Jesus, the one who gives us the ability.
Every time that I read this Scripture I think of my approach to those who are in need and ask for monetary gifts on the street. The word we normally use is “beggars”. Every day someone would bring this beggar and deposit him by the beautiful gate. It was a gate that people would frequently use and so it was really an ideal setting for someone who relied upon the generosity of people for their welfare. Below you will find what some scholars believe to be the Beautiful Gate but most people call it the Golden Gate. It is another John Faltin picture taken at our last trip to Israel.
One thing you should notice about this picture is that the gate is completely sealed. It has been sealed since the 12th century primarily because of the belief that when the Messiah comes back he will come back through this gate. Those who sealed it did not want people to be tempted into thinking they could orchestrate a second coming and so create continuous unrest as each generation raised up its own “Messiah”. The reference to this thought is found in Ezekiel 44:1-3 where the gate is commanded to be closed until the servant of the Lord were to come back. Over the years there have been attempts by Christians to kind of try to force the coming back of the Messiah by physically attempting to open that gate which would in some way require the second coming of Jesus as the Messiah. It is almost as if they are trying to force God’s hand. Needless to say it has not worked.
Let’s get back to the Scripture…so what is our approach when a beggar comes to us and asks for money? It is something that has often bothered me so I have come up with an approach that is not Scriptural, unless you want to use this Scripture as a template. I never give money to those on the street. I have many times taken them for a meal, or bought some things that they have asked for, but never do I give money. It is the cynic in me that says maybe, just maybe, you can’t trust what they are saying. I know many people take the approach that you give them the money and then let God sort it out. I totally get that and I am in no way saying that is the wrong way to approach the same situation. It is just not the approach I take. Peter healed the man, I can’t really do that, or at least I don’t think I can do that. Maybe if I just had a little more faith in God and in people I would take that approach.
So once Peter heals the man the man clings to him (vs.11) as Peter gives another sermon. So this is the second time that Peter preaches in Acts. To Susan Roe’s comment, it does seem like he is coming into his own as far as a leader of the 1st century church. Without Jesus around they realize they need to be the go to people. The message he gives is the same. The prophets were sent to let us know about the coming of the Messiah. The Messiah came in Jesus. We killed the Messiah. But the Good News is that we now know who the Messiah is and we are able to believe in him.
It is a simple message, but it is one that he repeats. Peter calls Jesus the righteous and Holy One (vs.14), he calls Jesus the author of life (vs.15). Peter attributes the beggar’s healing to his faith in Jesus (vs.16). Wait, where did that come from? We didn’t see his faith. How do we know if he had faith in Jesus. Isn’t that the point? We so often second guess where a person is in their faith. We so often make the judgment call and try to distinguish between believer and unbeliever. Do me a favor, all of you who may be reading this, do not ever, ever try to be the one to figure out if a person is a believer or a nonbeliever. John Calvin teaches us to treat all people as children of God. That has to be our approach in life, it does make life so much easier. So yeah, the beggar did believe in Jesus and so he was healed. Praise be to God!
Welcome back to the challenge!
May 29, 2016On your mark…get set…go! We are going to start a new journey tomorrow together. I think I need to warn you that it is going to be very, very different from our first journey together. Reading through the Gospels is one thing, but reading about the early church and figuring out the root of our theology is something completely different. We all feel so much more familiar with the words of Jesus and he rarely says anything that offends us or throws us off guard. That is not the case with Paul.
Paul is going to take us to topics that divide us. He will say things that upset us. He is going to address issues that we would rather leave uncovered. Wait, who is this Paul? We will be introduced to him in Acts, our first book that we will begin reading tomorrow. Keep in mind as we look at Paul the impact that he has upon Scripture and upon what we believe. He wrote the majority of the New Testament. This is significant. Paul’s words have shaped what we believe almost on equal terms to Jesus’ words. I hope you feel comfortable as we make distinctions between the approach that Paul takes in his letters and the approach that Jesus took in his teachings.
Also, keep in mind that I do not believe that Paul and Jesus ever contradict each other. They complement each other in the most exquisite and, at times, enigmatic ways. We will be starting in Acts of the Apostles which describes the earliest church as it was a fledgling community still meeting in the synagogues and still being confused as a random offshoot from Judaism. We often have an idyllic perspective on the early church. We think it was perfect and so we often use it as the model after which we ought to strive. That simply is not the case. We see quarrels between the church Fathers and we see them get angry with each other and split up. When Jesus prays: “That they may be one” in John 17:21 it was one of his most passionate prayers because he knew from the very beginning that we would not be one. We will be able to speak about the importance of church unity while still recognizing that our ultimate goal is not unity but rather loyalty to the Gospel. But the two are not mutually exclusive.
Okay, I can’t wait to get started tomorrow. But hang on, these 90 days will take you to places you have never been before in your faith. Hang on because the ride can be bumpy through these books. The turbulence could upset you, but if that is the case, buckle up your seat belt and hang on because in 90+ days we will be landing. Enjoy the flight!
April 1, 2016: Day 89 – John 21
April 1, 2016
When we went to Israel this was the spot where Jesus was supposedly waiting for his disciples as they brought their fish in from their boat. This is the third time that Jesus appears to his disciples, the Bible says so. It is so hard to believe that this is the last devotion that we will be sharing together. We are at the end of our journey together, just like Jesus and his disciples were at the end of their journey. I hope and pray that in reading the Scripture we learned daily about who Jesus is and we learned what it means to be a disciple maker.
While we were on that spot where Jesus and his disciples may have been together for one last time we saw this in the sky:
Not sure if you are able to see the fish in the sky, right above the water where we were. It was interpreted by us in the group as a sign. A sign that the one who served fish and bread to his disciples never leaves us or forsakes us. It worked the same as the rainbow did for Noah, as far as being reminded that God has made a covenant with us and that covenant will never be forsaken. Praise the Lord!
But let’s get to Scripture. After Jesus and his disciples sit and eat their meal then Jesus starts into Peter’s rehabilitation. Three times Peter denied him in the high priest’s house. Three times Jesus asks Peter if he loves him. All three times Peter responds yes, he does. But only the Greek does it justice. Jesus asks: Peter do you agape me, and Peter answers, yes, you know I philae you. Two different words for love. If you wanted to look at it in a more simple way than it should, we could see Jesus ask: do you love me. Peter would respond yes, I like you. That simply was not good enough. Finally, Peter, on the last one, responds, yes Jesus, I love you.
I love the description of who that “other” disciple was. It was the disciple that was close to Jesus when he asked who was going to betray him. It was the one reclining on Jesus’ breast. It was the disciple whom Jesus loved. It was John. See why I like John?
March 31, 2016: Day 88 – John 20
March 31, 2016
As much as I love Caravaggio, I have to call him out on this painting. If you read the Scripture for today carefully, we don’t actually have Thomas inserting his finger into the body of Jesus. What we have is at the sight of Jesus, Thomas makes the most powerful proclamation about Jesus that we have in Scripture: “My Lord and My God”. No one else is heard declaring that Jesus was their God, as we believe he indeed is. I see Thomas different from most people. He didn’t believe because he didn’t see. I get that, Jesus even stressed that point. But at the moment that he sees Jesus he makes this declaration that no one else in Scripture is able to make. In the painting you have Jesus taking the hand of Thomas and guiding it into his side. You have two curious onlookers, disciples, who wanted to see what would happen. Thomas is not the doubting one, but rather the one who believes like no other disciple.
But again we are at the end of the chapter. We need to head back to the beginning of 20. Mary Magdalene sees the stone removed and runs back to tell the disciples. She doesn’t see anything except the stone removed. Very different from the other Gospels. With the middle school Sunday School class last week we looked at all 4 Gospels and compared them. John was markedly different from the others, as you would expect. Remember, different doesn’t mean contradictory, it just means different. The writers emphasized different aspects of that resurrection. So the women went back and told the disciples who ran to see for themselves. There was the speedy John, aka the “other” disciple, and Peter. The question in these verses is what exactly did the disciples believe? Did they believe that Jesus was raised from the dead or did they believe what Mary had told them that Jesus was not present?
While we may not know that answer, we know what Mary believed. She believed that someone had taken his body. Excuse me, Mr. Gardner, can you tell me where you put Jesus’ body? I know you may have robbed his grave and taken all of his valuables, even though God knows he had no valuables, but just tell me where the body is and no harm no foul, I’ll just quietly put him back. “Mary!” It is at the calling of her name that she knows that it must be Jesus. Jesus calls us over the tumult…Jesus knows us by name…He knows my name…Put yourself in the position of Mary and hear the Savior call you by name.