Beyond our church’s own ministries, we provide support for many organizations which provide care near and far. This support takes many forms, including a significant portion of our annual budget. Many of our fellowship groups and Sunday School classes collect monies towards particular ministries of their choice. Throughout the year, we collect special offerings for PCUSA initiatives like the One Great Hour of Sharing, Disaster Relief, Blanket Sunday, and Christmas Joy campaigns and the Souper Bowl of Caring.
In addition to financial contributions, we also collect items year-round for:
- Operation Christmas Child: Download our list here. Once a year our children gather to assemble the items collected all year and package them into shoeboxes for this important mission.
- Water Street Mission (WSM): Personal care items are always needed—a collection box is located in Fellowship Hall. Begun in 1905 as a rescue mission in Lancaster, (WSM) is one of our oldest mission relationships. As a congregation and as individuals, we’ve provided faithful financial support, served meals, participated in fundraisers, and regularly include them in our prayers. WSM’s core mission is to advance the kingdom of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ and to do missionary, relief, and rescue work of all kinds. Learn how WSM gives hurting neighbors healing and hope at

Mission Trips
Everywhere outside of our church walls is a mission field! Recognizing that we grow in our faith as we serve in the name of Christ, we provide adults and youth opportunities to put our hands to work in mission trips locally, nationally and internationally.
In the past, we have traveled to serve areas impacted by natural disasters, attended work camps, and volunteered at centers in underserved communities. Both our middle school and high school youth serve in annual short-term mission trips. Every four years, high school students plan a trip to Italy to teach a Vacation Bible School program at an orphanage.