First Presbyterian Church of Strasburg has a long history, which we celebrate each November with a Birthday Brunch. A detailed history of our first 150 years is captured in book form, which is available from our church office. Here are brief highlights from our timeline:
1832: A group of Presbyterians, desiring a local church of their own, sponsors a series of evangelistic services. A congregation of 39 members emerges, determined to construct a church building of locally-fired brick.
1970: Great Beginnings Preschool is founded as an outreach program of the church–the first preschool in the Strasburg area.
1983: The congregation joins the Presbyterian Church (USA)—a reconciliation and union of two major Presbyterian denominations.
1988: The third major addition to the church building is completed, serving the increased need for Christian Education and fellowship spaces.
2012: The church’s two services are reformatted as Traditional/Classic and Contemporary/Modern. Later in the year, Reverend Robert K. Bronkema is hired as Pastor/Chief of Staff.
2013: The Memorial Garden and Memorial Tree, located in the courtyard by the Sanctuary, is consecrated.
2015: The church’s Food Pantry is started in a small closet by the Welcome Center.
2020: In conjunction with the COVID-19 pandemic, First Presbyterian begins live streaming its services.
2022: A new pipe organ is installed in the front of the sanctuary and dedicated to a special service.